
Borderlands 1 game page featured image

It's not Skyrim, but it's still getting brought back a bunch! Borderlands 1, the first in the (in)famous trilogy. The one that started it all... Wait, the dev quote below already says that. I guess for a series like this it's okay to break fourth wall for once, right? Could include some biting satire, but who are we kidding? You know this series and you know we're all here for the gazillions of guns this game's random generation can provide. Then again, for every interesting gun you find there's twenty others you'll toss aside without a second thought. Thankfully the characters you'll interact with on the planet Pandora aren't cut from the same cloth. From questionable medical practitioners to a suicidal general in a giant mech who seems intent on dying in combat. There's a little something for everyone in the world of Borderlands, though that something may not necessarily be what they want... Y'know, like a turret to the brain.

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Details about Borderlands

Game Info
Gearbox Software
2K Games
Release Date
October 20, 2009 (Calendar)
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