Our Coral Island Crafting Guide will tell you how Crafting works and how you can unlock more Crafting recipes to make useful items!
How Coral Island Crafting Works
Most Coral Island Crafting is done by hand and in the menu. You'll be able to Craft an item as long as you have the resources you need in your inventory. However, a small portion of items (such as Metal Bars) are crafted through workstations (such as the Furnace).
How to Unlock More Crafting Items in Coral Island
You can unlock more Crafting items in Coral Island by progressing your Skill Mastery. Certain quests will give you Crafting recipes for new items, too.
Coral Island Crafting Recipes and Unlocks List
Item | Type | Unlocked By | Crafting Cost | Description |
Ball of Goop | Consumable | Combat Level 1 | 3 Slime Goop | A Craftable snack used by desperate explorers. |
Bee House | Artisan Equipment | Catching Level 2 | 50 Wood, 15 Bronze Ore | A hotel for Bees. Place a Flower inside to produce Honey. |
Candied Tree Seed | Consumable | Foraging Level 1 | 1 Sap, 3 of any Tree Seed | A Craftable snack to satisfy thrifty Foragers. |
Compost Bin | Resource Equipment | Farming Level 2 | 20 Wood, 5 Trash, 5 Sap | Turns Trash into Compost. Helpful in making Fertilizer. |
Explosive I | TBD | Mining Level 1 | 1 Bronze Ore, 4 Coal | Generates a small explosion. Useful for Combat. Dangerous! |
Extractor | Resource Equipment | "The Extractor" Quest | 20 Scrap, 20 Bronze Kelp, 40 Wood | Extracts and bottles nutrients from Kelp. |
Fertilizer I | Farming | Farming Level 1 | 2 Compost, 1 Sap | A chance to grow better quality Crops if mixed with soil. |
Fertilizer II | Farming | Farming Level 6 | 2 Compost, 1 Sap, 1 Silver Kelp | There is an excellent chance to grow better quality Crops if mixed with Soil. |
Flash I | Farming | Farming Level 2 | 2 Compost, 2 Sunray Venus Shell | Increases growth rate a little bit. |
Furnace | Resource Equipment | "All Ore Nothing" Quest | 40 Stone, 20 Bronze Ore | A machine to make metal Bars. |
Hydro I | Farming | Farming Level 3 | 2 Stone | A chance of the soil staying watered overnight if mixed with soil. |
Keg | Artisan Equipment | Farming Level 4 | 20 Wood, 1 Bronze Bar, 1 Silver Bar, 20 Scrap | Processes Fruits or Vegetables into beverages. Makes Juice, Mead, Wine, Beer, Sake, Coffee, Green Tea, and Luwak Coffee. |
Kiln | Resource Equipment | Foraging Level 2 | 20 Bronze Ore, 25 Stone | This processes Wood into Charcoal, Scrap into Glass, and Sand into Glass. |
Makeshift Arch | Decor | Farming Level 3 | 1 Wood, 5 Trash | Place on the Farm. |
Makeshift Chest | Farming | Default | 25 Wood, 10 Trash | Storage for all kinds of items. Can hold up to 20 objects. |
Makeshift Fence | Decor | Default | 1 Wood, 1 Trash | A fence made of Wood and Trash. |
Makeshift Floor Tile | Decor | Default | 1 Wood, 2 Trash | Place on the Farm. |
Makeshift Gate | Decor | Default | 2 Wood, 5 Trash | Must be installed between 2 fences. |
Makeshift Path | Decor | Default | 1 Trash | Place on the ground. |
Makeshift Scarecrow | Farming | Farming Level 1 | 15 Wood, 10 Trash | Discourages birds from disturbing Crops. Works to a radius of 8 tiles. |
Makeshift Sign | Decor | Default | 5 Wood, 10 Trash | Made from Wood and Trash. Use an item to set the display. |
Mason Jar | Artisan Equipment | Farming Level 3 | 25 Wood, 10 Glass | Preserves Fruit and Vegetables. |
Ordinary Scarecrow | Farming | Farming Level 5 | 20 Wood, 20 Fiber, 10 Sap | Discourages birds from disturbing Crops. Works to a radius of 8 tiles. |
Recycling Machine | Resource Equipment | Diving Level 2 | 20 Trash, 30 Stone, 15 Bronze Kelp | Turns one resource into another resource. |
Rope | Misc | Mining Level 2 | 99 Fiber | Can be used to descend into the mine. |
Scrap Fence | Decor | Diving Level 3 | 1 Scrap | A fence made out of Scrap. |
Scrap Floor Tile | Decor | Diving Level 3 | 2 Scrap | Place on the ground. |
Scrap Gate | Resource Equipment | Diving Level 3 | 5 Scrap | Must be installed between 2 fences. |
Scuba Snack | Consumable | Diving Level 1 | 10 Seaweed | A Craftable snack to fuel adventurous divers. |
Sprinkler I | Farming | Farming Level 2 | 5 Silver Kelp, 5 Bronze Kelp, 10 Scrap | An automatic watering system. Waters a radius of 8 tiles. |
Stone Fence | Decor | Default | 1 Stone | Made of Stone. Sturdier than a Wood Fence. |
Stone Floor Tile | Decor | Mining Level 3 | 2 Stone | Place on the ground. |
Stone Gate | Decor | Mining Level 3 | 5 Stone | Made of Stone. Must be installed between 2 fences. |
Stone Path | Decor | Default | 1 Stone | Place on the ground. |
Stone Sign | Decor | Mining Level 2 | 20 Stone | Made from Stone. Use an item to set the display. |
Vortexanator I | Bombs | Diving Level 1 | 1 Bronze Kelp, 4 Glass | Generates a small vortex. |
Wood Floor Tile | Decor | Foraging Level 3 | 2 Wood | Place on the ground. |
Wood Path | Decor | Default | 1 Wood | Place on the ground. |
Wooden Fence | Decor | Foraging Level 3 | 1 Wood | A durable fence. |
Wooden Gate | Decor | Foraging Level 3 | 5 Wood | Made of Wood. Must be installed between 2 fences. |
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