A unique take on the long-running Digimon series, Digimon Survive hopes to shatter expectations with a style to it that is more a-typical of the action RPG series.
Digmon Survive functions similarly to a visual novel, where the direction of the story influences the digivolution process of your Digimon. Participate in 'drama actions' that act like a text adventure, and 'search actions' that focus on your survival against overwhelming odds. You also have the ability to take some free actions as well, including moments where you can train your Digimon in free battles in a traditional RPG style and collect items you will need for your adventure.
Survive long enough to see one of the game's multiple endings, but be careful, as one wrong move will see your character's fate sealed by death!
Digimon Survive is coming to the PC, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.