DreamHack All Articles

dreamhack denver 2017

DreamHack Denver 2017 Results

DreamHack Denver in Colorado is the home of this year's Americas regional final for the Tekken World Tour, with a whopping $15,000 pot bonus contributed to the overall prize by Bandai Namco. The big…

October 24, 2017 | 04:30 EDT

dreamhack montreal 2017

DreamHack Montreal 2017 Results

DreamHack Montreal 2017 has concluded, and is part of the Capcom Pro Tour's set of North American regional events. Of course, like with other DreamHacks, it's also home to some major Smash…

September 11, 2017 | 02:00 EDT

dreamhack atlanta 2017

DreamHack Atlanta 2017 Results

This past weekend, DreamHack Atlanta 2017 took place and probably fell under some peoples' radar due to not being part of the Capcom Pro Tour or Injustice Pro Series, and many spectators still having…

July 24, 2017 | 05:58 EDT