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Key art from Terra Nil

Terra Nil Review

There’s a vast sea of city-building games out there on Steam. There are several cozy ones that you can just turn your brain off and play, and there are strategic ones that can take up hours in one…

March 27, 2023 | 11:00 EDT

Terra Nil Beginner's Guide

Terra Nil Gets A Beginner's Guide Trailer To Show You How To Thrive

Devolver Digital has released a Beginner's Guide trailer showcasing what players can expect from the upcoming relaxing city-building title, Terra Nil. This gives us a first look at how not only to…

March 10, 2023 | 02:27 EST

Terra Nil header image
Game Page

Terra Nil

Terra Nil is a relaxing strategy game with city-building elements that allows players to turn a barren wasteland into a lavish and beautiful oasis. Players will be able to use high-tech eco-…

March 2, 2023 | 02:58 EST

terra nil game

Terra Nil Paints a Hopeful Picture for the Future

 Development studio Free Lives doesn't shy away from the fact that its upcoming title, Terra Nil, is a "reverse city builder." While that is an interesting concept for a game to explore, it's the…

February 23, 2023 | 11:00 EST

Official art of Terra Nil

Terra Nil Preview

There’s nothing like a good puzzle game to make me zone out for a few hours and stare at my screen like a fish. A relaxing puzzle strategy game about restoring the environment after it’s been turned…

June 21, 2021 | 11:00 EDT

A shot of "reverse city builder" Terra Nil

Restore The Ecosystem In Reverse City Builder Terra Nil

Free Lives and Devolver Digital have announced a brand new spin on the city-builder genre. Terra Nil tasks you not with building an environment-choking metropolis, but with restoring an ecosystem.…

June 7, 2021 | 11:23 EDT