This Frozen Flame Cooking Guide will tell you how Cooking works, detail all of the Cooking Recipes we've found, and highlight the best Recipes in the game!
How Frozen Flame Cooking Works
Frozen Flame Cooking is done at the Bonfire, a critical piece of survival equipment that keeps you warm during the frosty nights.
To Cook a Recipe, all you need to do is interact with the Bonfire, select your ingredients, and click the "Cook" button. It's that easy!
Each Recipe is composed of 1-2 ingredients total. Each ingredient typically adds a temporary Health bonus of +25 and one other effect. For example, Luminous Apples add +25 Health and +1 Health Regen. This knowledge -- combined with our Frozen Flame Cooking Recipe List -- allows you to custom tailor your food to your needs.
How to Unlock More Cooking Recipes in Frozen Flame
You can unlock more Cooking Recipes in Frozen Flame by Cooking with new ingredient combinations.
Unlocking Recipes doesn't really do anything special other than serving as a reminder for what you have already Cooked and what the finished product will give you. If you're a completionist, though, you can read our Recipe List and go through it one by one.
What's the Best Food in Frozen Flame?
The best Food in Frozen Flame is whichever one fits the situation. For example, you may want to max out Fire Resistance because you are fighting enemies that use Fire; Cooking Fireberry Leaves and Fireberry will give you that particular desired effect.
As a general rule, though, I like to eat Fruit Pie made with 2 Luminous Apples. This gives +2 Health Regen and is a good all-around Food when you don't have to fill a specific need.
Frozen Flame Cooking Recipe List
Recipe | Ingredient #1 | Ingredient #2 | Health Bonus |
Other Effects |
Baked Fish With Fruit | Sugar Boarberry | Blue Fish | 50 | +5 Physical Resistance, +5 Movement Speed |
Baked Fish With Fruit | Luminous Apple | Blue Fish | 50 | +1 Health Regen, +5 Movement Speed |
Baked Fish With Fruit | Blue Fish | Fireberry | 50 | +5 Movement Speed, +5 Fire Resistance |
Baked Insects with Fruit | Sugar Boarberry | Summer Tree Beetle | 50 | +5 Physical Resistance, +5 Lightning Resistance |
Baked Insects with Fruit | Sugar Boarberry | Sun Glowbug | 50 | +5 Physical Resistance, +5 Lightning Resistance |
Baked Insects with Fruit | Luminous Apple | Summer Tree Beetle | 50 | +1 Health Regen, +5 Lightning Resistance |
Baked Insects with Fruit | Luminous Apple | Sun Glowbug | 50 | +1 Health Regen, +5 Lightning Resistance |
Baked Insects with Fruit | Fireberry | Sun Glowbug | 50 | +5 Fire Resistance, +5 Lightning Resistance |
Beetle Salad | Sugar Boarberry Leaves | Summer Tree Beetle | 50 | +5 Physical Resistance, +5 Lightning Resistance |
Beetle Salad | Sugar Boarberry Leaves | Sun Glowbug | 50 | +5 Physical Resistance, +5 Lightning Resistance |
Beetle Salad | Fireberry Leaves | Sun Glowbug | 50 | +5 Fire Resistance, +5 Lightning Resistance |
Bug Broth | Summer Tree Beetle | Water Vessel | 50 | +5 Lightning Resistance, +5 Carry Weight |
Burning Broth | Summer Tree Beetle | Noble Mushroom | 50 | +5 Stamina, +5 Lightning Resistance |
Burning Broth | Summer Tree Beetle | Poisonous Ink Mushroom | 50 | +5 Poison Resistance, +5 Lightning Resistance |
Burning Broth | Noble Mushroom | Sun Glowbug | 50 | +5 Stamina, +5 Lightning Resistance |
Burning Broth | Poisonous Ink Mushroom | Sun Glowbug | 50 | |
Fish Pie | Blue Fish | Blue Fish | 50 | +10 Movement Speed |
Fish Salad | Sugar Boarberry Leaves | Blue Fish | 50 | +5 Physical Resistance, +5 Movement Speed |
Fish Salad | Blue Fish | Fireberry Leaves | 50 | +5 Movement Speed, +5 Fire Resistance |
Fish Soup | Blue Fish | Water Vessel | 50 | +5 Movement Speed, +5 Carry Weight |
Fish Stuffed With Mushrooms | Noble Mushroom | Blue Fish | 50 | +5 Stamina, +5 Movement Speed |
Fish Stuffed With Mushrooms | Blue Fish | Poisonous Ink Mushroom | 50 | +5 Movement Speed, +5 Poison Resistance |
Fish with Beetle Sauce | Summer Tree Beetle | Blue Fish | 50 | +5 Movement Speed, +5 Lightning Resistance |
Fish with Beetle Sauce | Blue Fish | Sun Glowbug | ||
Fried Fish | Blue Fish | 25 | +5 Movement Speed | |
Fried Fish | Blue Fish | Scented Salts | 25 | +5 Movement Speed, +5 Sprint Speed |
Fried Greens | Sugar Boarberry Leaves | Sugar Boarberry Leaves | 50 | +10 Physical Resistance |
Fried Greens | Sugar Boarberry Leaves | Fireberry Leaves | 50 | +5 Physical Resistance, +5 Fire Resistance |
Fried Insect Meat | Summer Tree Beetle | 25 | +5 Lightning Resistance | |
Fried Insect Meat | Summer Tree Beetle | Scented Salts | 25 | +5 Sprint Speed, +5 Lightning Resistance |
Fried Insect Meat | Sun Glowbug | 25 | +5 Lightning Resistance | |
Fried Insect Meat | Sun Glowbug | Scented Salts | 25 | +5 Sprint Speed, +5 Lightning Resistance |
Fried Meat | Raw Boar | 25 | +5 Bleed Resistance | |
Fried Meat | Raw Boar | Scented Salts | 25 | +5 Sprint Speed, +5 Bleed Resistance |
Fried Mushrooms | Noble Mushroom | 25 | +5 Stamina | |
Fried Mushrooms | Noble Mushroom | Scented Salts | 25 | +5 Stamina, +5 Spring Speed |
Fried Mushrooms | Poisonous Ink Mushroom | 25 | +5 Poison Resistance | |
Fruit Dessert | Sugar Boarberry | Scented Salts | 25 | +5 Physical Resistance, +5 Sprint Speed |
Fruit Dessert | Luminous Apple | Scented Salts | 25 | +1 Health Regen, +5 Sprint Speed |
Fruit Dessert | Fireberry | Scented Salts | 25 | +5 Sprint Speed, +5 Fire Resistance |
Fruit Juice | Sugar Boarberry | Water Vessel | 50 | +5 Physical Resistance, +5 Carry Weight |
Fruit Juice | Luminous Apple | Water Vessel | 50 | +1 Health Regen, +5 Carry Weight |
Fruit Juice | Water Vessel | Fireberry | 50 | +5 Fire Resistance, +5 Carry Weight |
Fruit Pie | Sugar Boarberry | Luminous Apple | 50 | +1 Health Regen, +5 Physical Resistance |
Fruit Pie | Sugar Boarberry | Fireberry | 50 | +5 Physical Resistance, +5 Fire Resistance |
Fruit Pie | Luminous Apple | Luminous Apple | 50 | +2 Health Regen |
Fruit Pie | Luminous Apple | Fireberry | 50 | +1 Health Regen, +5 Fire Resistance |
Fruit Salad | Sugar Boarberry | 25 | +5 Physical Resistance | |
Fruit Salad | Luminous Apple | 25 | +1 Health Regen | |
Fruit Salad | Fireberry | 25 | +5 Fire Resistance | |
Hearty Chowder | Raw Boar | Water Vessel | 50 | +5 Bleed Resistance, +5 Carry Weight |
Insect Porridge | Summer Tree Beetle | Summer Tree Beetle | 50 | +10 Lightning Resistance |
Insect Porridge | Summer Tree Beetle | Sun Glowbug | 50 | +10 Lightning Resistance |
Insect Porridge | Water Vessel | Sun Glowbug | 50 | +25 Shield, +5 Lightning Resistance |
Insect Porridge | Sun Glowbug | Sun Glowbug | 50 | +10 Lightning Resistance |
Light Salad | Sugar Boarberry | Sugar Boarberry Leaves | 50 | +10 Physical Resistance |
Light Salad | Sugar Boarberry | Fireberry Leaves | 50 | +5 Physical Resistance, +5 Fire Resistance |
Light Salad | Luminous Apple | Sugar Boarberry Leaves | 50 | +1 Health Regen, +5 Physical Resistance |
Light Salad | Luminous Apple | Fireberry Leaves | 50 | +1 Health Regen, +5 Fire Resistance |
Light Salad | Sugar Boarberry Leaves | Fireberry | 50 | +5 Physical Resistance, +5 Fire Resistance |
Light Salad | Fireberry Leaves | Fireberry | 50 | +10 Fire Resistance |
Meat and Fish Skewer | Raw Boar | Blue Fish | 50 | +5 Movement Speed, +5 Bleed Resistance |
Meat and Fruit Skewer | Sugar Boarberry | Raw Boar | 50 | +5 Physical Resistance, +5 Bleed Resistance |
Meat and Fruit Skewer | Luminous Apple | Raw Boar | 50 | +1 Health Regen, +5 Bleed Resistance |
Meat and Fruit Skewer | Raw Boar | Fireberry | 50 | +5 Bleed Resistance, +5 Fire Resistance |
Meat and Mushroom Skewer | Noble Mushroom | Raw Boar | 50 | +5 Stamina, +5 Bleed Resistance |
Meat and Mushroom Skewer | Raw Boar | Poisonous Ink Mushroom | 50 | +5 Bleed Resistance, +5 Poison Resistance |
Meat Skewer | Raw Boar | Raw Boar | 50 | +10 Bleed Resistance |
Mushroom Chowder | Noble Mushroom | Water Vessel | 50 | +5 Stamina, +5 Carry Weight |
Mushroom Platter | Sugar Boarberry | Noble Mushroom | 50 | +5 Physical Resistance, +5 Stamina |
Mushroom Platter | Sugar Boarberry | Poisonous Ink Mushroom | 50 | +5 Physical Resistance, +5 Poison Resistance |
Mushroom Platter | Luminous Apple | Noble Mushroom | 50 | +1 Health Regen, +5 Stamina |
Mushroom Platter | Luminous Apple | Poisonous Ink Mushroom | 50 | +1 Health Regen, +5 Poison Resistance |
Mushroom Platter | Summer Tree Beetle | Fireberry | 50 | +5 Lightning Resistance, +5 Fire Resistance |
Mushroom Platter | Noble Mushroom | Fireberry | 50 | +5 Stamina, +5 Fire Resistance |
Mushroom Platter | Poisonous Ink Mushroom | Fireberry | 50 | +5 Poison Resistance, +5 Fire Resistance |
Mushroom Skewer | Noble Mushroom | Noble Mushroom | 50 | +10 Stamina |
Mushroom Skewer | Noble Mushroom | Poisonous Ink Mushroom | 50 | +5 Stamina, +5 Poison Resistance |
Poor Man's Chowder | Sugar Boarberry Leaves | Water Vessel | 50 | +5 Physical Resistance, +5 Carry Weight |
Poor Man's Chowder | Water Vessel | Fireberry Leaves | 50 | +5 Fire Resistance, +5 Carry Weight |
Powdered Herbs | Sugar Boarberry Leaves | 25 | +5 Physical Resistance | |
Powdered Herbs | Sugar Boarberry Leaves | Scented Salts | 25 | +5 Physical Resistance, +5 Sprint Speed |
Powdered Herbs | Fireberry Leaves | 25 | +5 Fire Resistance | |
Powdered Herbs | Fireberry Leaves | Scented Salts | 50 | +5 Sprint Speed, +5 Fire Resistance |
Skewer with Insects | Summer Tree Beetle | Raw Boar | 50 | +5 Bleed Resistance, +5 Lightning Resistance |
Skewer with Insects | Raw Boar | Sun Glowbug | 50 | +5 Bleed Resistance, +5 Lightning Resistance |
Steamed Meat | Sugar Boarberry Leaves | Raw Boar | 50 | +5 Physical Resistance, +5 Bleed Resistance |
Steamed Meat | Raw Boar | Fireberry Leaves | 50 | +5 Bleed Resistance, +5 Fire Resistance |
Steamed Mushrooms | Sugar Boarberry Leaves | Noble Mushroom | 50 | +5 Physical Resistance, +5 Stamina |
Steamed Mushrooms | Sugar Boarberry Leaves | Poisonous Ink Mushroom | 50 | +5 Physical Resistance, +5 Poison Resistance |
Steamed Mushrooms | Summer Tree Beetle | Fireberry Leaves | 50 | +5 Lightning Resistance, +5 Fire Resistance |
Steamed Mushrooms | Noble Mushroom | Fireberry Leaves | 50 | +5 Stamina, +5 Fire Resistance |
Steamed Mushrooms | Poisonous Ink Mushroom | Fireberry Leaves | 50 | +5 Poison Resistance, +5 Fire Resistance |
That's the end of our Frozen Flame Cooking Guide. Have a gander at our other guides below!
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