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Freedom Planet 2

Freedom Planet 2 Release Date Announced

After more than six years of waiting, we finally have a Freedom Planet 2 release date: Tuesday, September 13, 2022. As you can probably tell, it's a sequel to Freedom Planet, which came out all the…

March 21, 2022 | 10:16 EDT

freedom planet 2 switch

Freedom Planet Coming to Switch via XSEED Games

XSeed Games has announced their E3 lineup and the most fascinating part of it was the long-awaited announcement of Galaxy Trail's indie hit Freedom Planet hitting Nintendo Switch. Developer Galaxy…

June 7, 2018 | 12:19 EDT

Freedom Planet 2 Heroes

Freedom Planet 2 Demo is Now Available

If you’re aching to get a taste of some Sonic-inspired 2D platforming action, GalaxyTrail has released a free demo of their upcoming release, Freedom Planet 2. Released a couple of days ago, the demo…

February 3, 2017 | 04:00 EST

Freedom Planet 2
Game Page

Freedom Planet 2

A sequel to the popular Kickstarted 2D platformer, Freedom Planet 2 is a game that was originally started as a Sonic The Hedgehog fangame. Freedom Planet 2 brings the type of style and feel you'd…

January 31, 2017 | 11:43 EST


Freedom Planet 2 Releasing a Sample Version in January

Galaxytrail's sequel to their fantastic "Sonic-style" platformer is getting a sample version on PC at the end of January 2017. Freedom Planet 2 looks to improve upon the solid foundation of 2014's…

December 28, 2016 | 03:03 EST

Freedom Planet 2

Freedom Planet 2 Announced

While Shovel Knight brought the classic NES platformer to the modern era, it's analogue to Sega devices has gotten a bit less attention. Freedom Planet brings the type of style and feel you'd expect…

December 27, 2015 | 01:45 EST