Are you in search of Sulfur in The Planet Crafter? This Planet Crafter Sulfur guide will help you to discover the places you can find it -- and what it's used for.
What is Sulfur Used for in The Planet Crafter?
Sulfur is one of the components in Explosive Powder, a high-end Crafting resource. Additionally, it is used as a component for Fertilizer, a critical component for growing food through Farming and increasing the planet's Biomass.
More Sulfur can appear later in the game via meteorites. You can also mine an infinite supply by placing an Ore Extractor in the right spot.
Can You Craft Sulfur in The Planet Crafter?
No, you cannot Craft Sulfur in The Planet Crafter.
Where to Find Sulfur in The Planet Crafter
Here are all the places you can find Sulfur in The Planet Crafter that we know of.
This list doesn't cover Storage Chests that you can find in the world; please take a look at our Maps and Locations Guide for exact coordinates. Additionally, some of these locations may be sealed off by Ice Caves.
Sulfur Valley
731:50:1120 (Blocked by Ice Cave)
Mineable with Ore Extractor?
A side entrance to Sulfur Valley, circumventing the Ice Cave in Falling Sands Caves. Also features Aluminum and is nearby areas with Super Alloy and Osmium.
Derelict Desert Passage Ice Cave
Mineable with Ore Extractor?
No (Unbuildable)
An Ice Cave that serves as a passage between Derelict Desert and Grand Rift. Also has Osmium. This cave will flood with water once the Lakes Terraforming phase has been completed.
Boulder Desert Ice Cave
Mineable with Ore Extractor?
No (Unbuildable)
An Ice Cave that has some higher-end loot. Also has Osmium.
Spike Canyon Ice Cave
Mineable with Ore Extractor?
Yes (T2 Only)
An Ice Cave that has some Iridium on the outside of the ice wall and Osmium inside. Sulfur is on the far side (183:19:-277) of the Ice Cave, so you'll have to go around through the Slanted Rocks area.
We're all done with this guide to help you find Sulfur in The Planet Crafter. Please consider taking a look at some of our other guides!
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