Magic: The Gathering Doctor Who Set Gets All Timey Wimey

Wizards of the Coast have announced several cards and structure decks coming to their Magic: The Gathering Doctor Who crossover set. Allons-y!

Published: July 21, 2023 3:51 PM /


Artwork of The First Doctor inside the TARDIS from the Magic: The Gathering Doctor Who set.

Wizards of the Coast had a lot to show at this year's San Diego Comic-Con. The tabletop publisher had an entire event dedicated to its Magic: The Gathering Doctor Who set, the latest in their Universes Beyond crossover sets. This is what they revealed.

The Magic: The Gathering Doctor Who preview

At San Diego Comic-Con, Magic Designer Gaven Verhey previewed the cards, artwork, and mechanics in the Magic: The Gathering Doctor Who set. That preview was then archived and put into an official blog post.

First, Verhey showcased several Doctor Who Commander decks. The first deck, called Blast From The Past is a green-white-blue deck that features the first eight incarnations of The Doctor. In essence, this is the Commander deck for Classic Who.

Artwork of Jon Pertwee as The Third Doctor, holding up his sonic screwdriver from the Magic: The Gathering Doctor Who crossover set
It's not easy, you know.

But the deck isn't just a showcase of the clever Time Lord. In addition to various supporting characters like Adric and K-9, the decks will also feature Saga cards depicting iconic stories from the show. One such Saga showcased was the City of Death episode from the Fourth Doctor's run.

Expressive artwork from the Magic The Gathering Doctor Who set featuring the Fourth Doctor
I don't think this is a fake.

Of course, Doctor Who is a long-running series. November 2023 marks the series' 60th anniversary, which will be commemorated by the return of fan-favorite David Tenant and the debut of the latest incarnation of The Doctor played by Ncuti Gatwa.

Naturally, this means New Who will have some representation in this set in two Commander decks.

The first New Who set is called Timey Wimey, which showcases the Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh Doctor's adventures. It is blue-red-white deck, and will include recurring characters from this era of the show, including the Face of Boe, the War Doctor, and Rose Tyler.

Artwork of The Tenth Doctor as a card from the Magic: The Gathering Doctor Who set
Better not to let him push all of the buttons.

Artwork was also shown of two different Sagas from this deck. Those Sagas are the Parting of the Ways, which marked the end of the Ninth Doctor, and The Eleventh Hour which was the debut of the Eleventh Doctor.

In addition, artwork was shown of a Food token featuring the Eleventh Doctor's favorite meal: fish fingers and custard.

Artwork of the Twelfth Doctor standing on a tank, wearing sunglasses, and playing the guitar from the Magic: The Gathering Doctor Who crossover set.
You said you wanted an axe fight.

The second of the New Who Commander decks is called Paradox Power. This is a green-blue-red deck that showcases the Twelfth and Thirteenth Doctor's adventures. In addition to featuring characters like Yasmin Khan and Lady Me, the preview showed off the Saga card Flux.

Lastly, a fourth Commander deck was previewed featuring the enemies of The Doctor. Masters of Evil is a blue-black-red deck that features enemies from across the entire history of the show. Everything from Daleks to Weeping Angels to the Valeyard to the Vashta Nerada are featured.

Card artwork from the Magic: The Gathering Doctor Who crossover set featuring Missy and the Cybermen
Well, she couldn't keep calling herself The Master.

Even The Doctor's greatest adversary, The Master is featured in this deck. Not only do they have their own cards, but they also have their own Saga, adapted from the two-parter Dark Water and Death In Heaven.

The preview also confirmed that new plane cards will be available. Since Doctor Who is all about adventures across time and space, there are plenty of locations for players to visit. These include the iconic TARDIS, Bad Wolf Bay, Fixed Point in Time, and The Doctor's Tomb.

The Commander decks for the Magic: The Gathering Doctor Who set will release in October 2023.

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