Nobody - The Turnaround Jobs Guide

Last Updated: November 18, 2022 12:42 PM /


Nobody - The Turnaround Jobs Guide - cover

In this guide, we explain how Nobody - The Turnaround Jobs work, give you tips and tricks for each Job we've played, and tell you how to unlock more Jobs!

How Jobs Work in Nobody - The Turnaround

The vast majority of Nobody - The Turnaround Jobs are day jobs. That means you show up to the Job, work your hours, and get paid immediately.

Although you have flexibility, you do not have security -- there is no guarantee that you'll be able to get a Job if you go there directly. The Job Broker, however, will have a lot of options available if you don't mind doing any particular kind of work.

How to Unlock More Jobs in Nobody - The Turnaround

You can unlock more Nobody - The Turnaround Jobs by meeting their requirements. Typically, these requirements are:

  • Advancing to the correct Life Goal
  • Having enough points in the correct Stats
  • Rarely, owning certain property or specialized equipment

Take care not to advance to a new Life Goal if you can't do any of the Jobs in it. New Life Goals bring new demands, and you might have a hard time if you can't reap the benefits of a new Job. Train your Stats up and get whatever else you might need before you advance to the next Life Goal.

Should I Do Automatic or Manual with Nobody - The Turnaround Jobs?

You should always select "Manual" for Jobs in Nobody - The Turnaround. While "Automatic" might save you some time in the real world, a skilled player will usually be able to make more money by playing the Job minigame.

How to Bypass the Job Broker and Save Money

You can skip going to the Job Broker and go directly to a Job site, saving yourself the Broker's Fee. Keep in mind that a particular Job might not be hiring if you visit them directly. Maintaining a high Relationship appears to give you higher chances of having a Job be available when you visit the employer directly.

Best Job in Nobody - The Turnaround

The best Job in Nobody - The Turnaround is whatever can make you the most money at your current Life Goal -- there are multiple valid paths to success that you can take, and there is no one correct answer.

Keep in mind, however, that earning money alone is not always the solution. Sometimes it's worth it to take a lower-paying Job so you can level up the Stats you might need for other Jobs later.

Nobody - The Turnaround Jobs Guide - Cert Tests

Nobody - The Turnaround Cert Exam Answers

Here are the answers for the Cert Exams in Nobody - The Turnaround:

Accountant Exam

  1. C
  2. B
  3. D
  4. ?
  5. D
  6. D
  7. D
  8. B
  9. C
  10. ?

Welding Exam

  1. A
  2. D
  3. B
  4. D
  5. B
  6. A
  7. A
  8. C
  9. C
  10. C

Car Service Exam

  1. D
  2. D
  3. C
  4. B
  5. A
  6. C
  7. B
  8. A
  9. D
  10. C

Chef Exam

  1. B
  2. A
  3. B
  4. D
  5. B
  6. B
  7. D
  8. A
  9. C
  10. C

Nobody - The Turnaround Jobs Guide - Jobs List

Nobody - The Turnaround Jobs List and Strategies

Here is a list of all of the Nobody - The Turnaround Jobs and strategies for making the most of each Job.

Nobody - The Turnaround Jobs Guide - Sorryass Jobs

Sorryass Jobs


  • Base Wage - N/A
  • Bonuses Available? - ?
  • Job Duration - N/A
  • Requirements - Sorryass
  • Notes - Needs a proper Stall location.
  • Special Equipment Available - N/A

The essence of being a Peddler is using dBay to buy items in bulk and sell them for a profit. Each Peddler location has different items that sell well.

You can only set up a Peddler spot after Dusk (17:00).


  • Base Wage - N/A
  • Bonuses Available? - N/A
  • Job Duration - N/A
  • Requirements - Sorryass
  • Notes - N/A
  • Special Equipment Available - N/A

Recycler is not a Job in the sense of the other entries on this list. Rather, you pick up recyclable goods and sell them to the Recycler east of the park. This is best done as a pastime while you're walking from place to place, as long as you don't mind getting a little dirty.

Brick Mover

  • Base Wage - ?
  • Bonuses Available? - Yes
  • Job Duration - 5 hours
  • Requirements - Sorryass
  • Notes - You may get injured.
  • Special Equipment Available - Hard Hat (¥20) Protects you from job accidents.

Simply put, being a Brick Mover is all about moving the correct bricks from the pile onto the cranes. You earn your base pay by hitting the total target of filled bins, and you get a bonus depending on the money amount of the crates you've filled.

Focus on filling crates with multiple bricks as these can provide bonuses ranging from 7¥-20¥. Occasionally, you may have to deliver a half-load of bricks. Dump the remainder in another available container if you can -- this will let you run back to the brick piles faster.

Make sure to purchase the Hard Hat -- it pays for itself almost immediately as even a light injury costs 30¥ to heal.

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Nobody - The Turnaround Jobs Guide - Nobody Jobs

Nobody Jobs

Flyer Boy

  • Base Wage - 130¥
  • Bonuses Available? - Yes
  • Job Duration - 8 hours
  • Requirements - Nobody, Smart 1
  • Notes - N/A
  • Special Equipment Available - Leather Shoes (200¥) +20% base wage.

You know those annoying people on the street who come up to you and try to hand you a flyer? Congratulations, that's your job now.

You have a minimum target to hit and you get a bonus per flyer. All you need to do is move from person to person, interacting with them and seeing if they want a flyer. You get a small bonus for each flyer handed out.

Security Guard

  • Base Wage - 152.25¥
  • Bonuses Available? - Yes
  • Job Duration - 9 hours
  • Requirements - Keen 1
  • Notes - N/A
  • Special Equipment Available - Leather Shoes (200¥) +20% base wage.

Succeeding at the Security Guard Job depends on you looking at what people are saying when they walk up. Turn them away if they sound like a thief, a salesman, or a scammer. Let them pass if they sound like a tired resident.

The Leather Shoes can be a worthwhile addition to your arsenal; they should pay for themselves after 12 or so days. You can also use them in some other jobs further on down the Jobs progression track.

Inventory Sorter

  • Base Wage - 160¥
  • Bonuses Available? - Yes
  • Job Duration - 8 hours
  • Requirements - Nobody, Deft 1
  • Notes - You may get injured.
  • Special Equipment Available - Lucky Stone (¥38) 1x1 boxes do not appear any longer.

Inventory Sorter requires you to fill up pallets to an exact shape. Pick up boxes, press the spacebar to rotate them, and place them on the pallet. When a forklift is full, it will drive away and you'll complete one of your tasks and receive a small bonus.

The Lucky Stone is absolutely essential equipment. Tiny 1x1 boxes make these Tetris-like puzzles exceedingly difficult, and this investment will probably pay for itself in just one or two shifts thanks to the extra bonuses you'll be able to bring in.

Heavy Lifting

  • Base Wage - 131.25¥
  • Bonuses Available? - No
  • Job Duration - 5 hours
  • Requirements - Nobody, Tough 1
  • Notes - You may get injured.
  • Special Equipment Available - N/A

Heavy Lifting is a very straightforward job -- you have to take a big box from the warehouse to another location in the Downtown area.

Note that some locations may be impossible to reach in the Debt Trap scenario due to the pandemic quarantine. If you get one of these jobs, restart the day and hope you get another closer location.

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Nobody - The Turnaround Jobs Guide - Striver Jobs

Striver Jobs


  • Base Wage - 160¥
  • Bonuses Available? - ?
  • Job Duration - 8 hours
  • Requirements - Striver, Smart 4
  • Notes - N/A
  • Special Equipment Available - N/A

Walk up to people and press the Space Bar when the arrow is over the green space.


  • Base Wage - 180¥
  • Bonuses Available? - ?
  • Job Duration - 9 hours
  • Requirements - Striver, Keen 4
  • Notes - N/A
  • Special Equipment Available - Leather Shoes (200¥) +20% base wage.

Press Space to greet customers when they step on the welcome mat.


  • Base Wage - 145¥
  • Bonuses Available? - ?
  • Job Duration - 5 hours
  • Requirements - Striver, Deft 4
  • Notes - Might get sick.
  • Special Equipment Available - N/A

Press the correct arrow when the circle collapses on top of it. Perfect timing builds up a hot streak faster. When a hot streak is active, you can press buttons faster to build up a bigger Bonus.

Chef Aid

  • Base Wage - 190¥
  • Bonuses Available? - ?
  • Job Duration - 8 hours
  • Requirements - Striver, Tough 4
  • Notes - You may get injured.
  • Special Equipment Available
    • Galoshes (30¥) The job doesn't reduce your Hygiene anymore.
    • Chef Knife (150¥) +20% base wage.

Select the correct ingredient(s) and place it on either the vegetable chopping block (left) or the meat chopping block (right). Chop each ingredient into the required number of pieces.

If you select the wrong ingredient, you can put it back in storage. If you place the wrong ingredient on the chopping block, you'll have to chop it before you can clear the chopping block and put the correct ingredient down.

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Nobody - The Turnaround Jobs Guide - Upstart Jobs

Upstart Jobs

IT Guy

  • Base Wage - 215¥
  • Bonuses Available? - Yes
  • Job Duration - 9 hours
  • Requirements - Upstart, Smart 6, Deft 4
  • Notes - N/A
  • Special Equipment Available - N/A

Although this job says "IT Guy," it seems like you're actually an attendant at a net cafe/PC Bang.

This job is split into two parts. First, you have to walk up to a customer and left-click on the text bubble. Then, perform the requested task, which can be one of the following:

  • Repairing a computer on the floor by the customer
  • Grabbing instant noodles, pouring hot water, and delivering them to the customer
  • Checking the customer out at the cash register

Car Service

  • Base Wage - 190¥
  • Bonuses Available? - Yes
  • Job Duration - 8 hours
  • Requirements - Upstart, Tough 4, Keen 4
  • Notes - N/A
  • Special Equipment Available - N/A

The Car Service Job involves three parts.

  1. Wash the car. Look for the text prompts indicating dirt, then move the hose with the mouse to clean the dirt.
  2. Spray Goo Removed on each sticker until the icon changes from red to blue. Then, switch to the towel and remove the stickers.
  3. Spray Paint on the indicated scratches, similar to the washing portion of the job.


  • Base Wage - 245.7¥
  • Bonuses Available? - Yes
  • Job Duration - 9 hours
  • Requirements - Excellence, Automotive Cert, Tough 8, Smart 6
  • Notes - Risk of minor injury.
  • Special Equipment Available - Protective Gear (70¥) No more injuries on the job.

Press the spacebar when the red mark for cutting pieces is above the first groove. You lose money for incorrect cuts.

Delivery Guy

  • Base Wage - 180.18¥
  • Bonuses Available? - Yes
  • Job Duration - 5 hours
  • Requirements - Upstart, Deft 6, Keen 4
  • Notes - Might get sick.
  • Special Equipment Available - Insulated Box (67¥) +5% base wage.

You have to run to multiple businesses in the Downtown area and click on their names to make a delivery. You can check the map by pressing Tab.

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Nobody - The Turnaround Jobs Guide - Excellence Jobs

Excellence Jobs


  • Base Wage - 252¥
  • Bonuses Available? - Yes
  • Job Duration - 8 hours
  • Requirements - Excellence, Accountant Cert, Smart 8, Deft 6
  • Notes - N/A
  • Special Equipment Available - N/A

Accountant is one of the more challenging Jobs out there. You have to recognize which calculations to do and then execute them successfully to fill out the entire balance sheet. The balance sheet is filled out from left to right, starting with the top left.

Here's a cheat sheet for the calculations you need to do based on the blank square:

  • Bought = Sold + Inventory
  • Sold = Bought - Inventory
  • Inventory = Bought - Sold
  • Buying Price = (Total Sales - Profit) / Sold
  • Total Sales = Sold x Selling Price
  • Profit = (Selling Price - Buying Price) x Sold

You need to complete at least two rows of calculations to complete this job.

Auto Engineer

  • Base Wage - 330.75¥
  • Bonuses Available? - ?
  • Job Duration - 9 hours
  • Requirements - Excellence, Automotive Cert, Tough 8, Smart 6
  • Notes - N/A
  • Special Equipment Available - Protective Gear (70¥) No more injuries on the job.

Auto Engineer is split into two parts: diagnosing problems and fixing them. First, you need to click on the parts of the car you can fix. Once you identify the problem, you need to pick up the correct fluid or replacement part and hold left-click over the affected area to replace it.


  • Base Wage - 280¥
  • Bonuses Available? - ?
  • Job Duration - 8 hours
  • Requirements - Excellence, Welder Cert, Deft 8, Keen 6
  • Notes - Risk of minor injury.
  • Special Equipment Available - Welding Mask (18¥) Reduce chance of injury by 10%.

We don't have any information on this Job just yet.


  • Base Wage - 270¥
  • Bonuses Available? - ?
  • Job Duration - 9 hours
  • Requirements - Excellence, Chef Cert, Tough 6, Keen 8
  • Notes - N/A
  • Special Equipment Available - N/A

The Chef Job can be broken down into three steps.

  • Select your ingredients.
  • Rapidly press Space to flip the Wok and heat it up.
  • At the same time, press F a few times to get the Seasoning bar in the middle.

If you can build up good heat and keep the seasoning in the middle, you'll have a Perfect dish.

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Nobody - The Turnaround Jobs Guide - Success Jobs

Success Jobs


  • Base Wage - N/A
  • Bonuses Available? - N/A
  • Job Duration - N/A
  • Requirements - Success
  • Notes - Must rent a home and buy a PC.
  • Special Equipment Available - N/A

To begin the E-Commerce Job, you'll need to own an apartment and have a PC. You can get Housing at Honest Realty and you can buy a PC in the Electronics District.

Next, you must rent space at the Warehouse at the cost of 100¥/day. All of your rent must be paid upfront.

You can also upgrade your Warehouse in the following areas:

  • Shelves - Each upgrade gives +300 inventory capacity.
  • Ventilation System - Each upgrade reduces garment loss by 2%.
  • Hygiene System - Each upgrade reduces electronics loss by 2%.
  • Cooling System - Each upgrade reduces cosmetics loss by 2%. (Cosmetics do not yet appear to be available in the game yet, so do not purchase this upgrade until they are.)

Next, you need to decide whether you're doing Garments or Digital. Garments are clothing, and Digital is electronics. You can then go and purchase wholesale goods by traveling by bus or car outside of Downtown. Pay attention to the charts on each product to see what is most profitable.

After you've purchased your products, you need to return Home, set up your online store through dBay, and List each product. Listing a product takes 30 minutes of in-game time.

Now that everything is set up, there are three aspects to the job to take care of:

  • Shipping - You'll have to travel to the warehouse to Ship orders. Each shipped order take 10 minutes.
  • Customer Service - We don't yet know how the player handles this function.
  • Streamer - Advertise your store by livestreaming.

You can hire people to fulfill all of these roles at the Job Center.

Ship product in a timely fashion, hire staff when needed, and continue to replenish your products when you're running low and you should be able to turn a tidy profit.


  • Base Wage - N/A
  • Bonuses Available? - N/A
  • Job Duration - N/A
  • Requirements - Not available yet.
  • Notes - N/A
  • Special Equipment Available - N/A

The Associate Job does not yet appear to be implemented. It will likely arrive in a later update.

Restaurant Owner

  • Base Wage - N/A
  • Bonuses Available? - N/A
  • Job Duration - N/A
  • Requirements - Success, Culinary Artist
  • Notes - N/A
  • Special Equipment Available - N/A

Setting up the Restaurant Owner Job begins with spending some time as a Cook. You can't go into business until you have some experience with that Job.

Once you've spent some time as a Cook, your next step is going to Yum Yum in the southern part of Downtown. You'll have to make a phone call to arrange a meeting with the other owner in Yum Yum. You'll have to pay 50,000¥ upfront to become a partner.

Now that you're a partner, it's time to handle your end of the business. You have to install kitchen appliances, but be careful -- you have a limited budget based on your initial investment. You can invest additional money if desired.

Next, set up your restaurant's menu. You can then take the van outside to the Farmer's Market and stock up on the ingredients you need; each stall in the Farmer's Market will tell you how much you have of each ingredient.

Your final preparation step is to hire staff at the Job Center. You'll need a Chef, Kitchen Helper, Waiter, and Junior Cook.

You can then open the restaurant. You have to click on tables for the waiter to go over and take orders. It's pretty straightforward from there.

Keep in mind your staff costs. You're going to spend around 400¥-600¥ a day on staff wages, so you'll need to field enough orders to make up for that so you don't lose money.

As with the E-Commerce business, you can also upgrade the restaurant to increase its capabilities.

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We've reached the end of the Nobody - The Turnaround Jobs Guide. If you've found it helpful, you should check out our other guides, too!

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
Learn more about Nobody - The Turnaround
Thermite Games
Release Date
November 17, 2022 (Calendar)
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