This Palia Fishing Guide will go over how to start fishing, the rewards for doing so, and where you can find every fish currently available.
How to Unlock the Fishing Rod in Palia
You can unlock the Fishing Rod in Palia by reading the Letter from Einar after placing your Makeshift Tent on your Housing Plot for the first time.

How Palia Fishing Works
After equipping your fishing rod from the tool bag, you can hold the use button to charge up your cast. Holding it for longer will let you cast out further — note that fishing will always take the same amount of time, regardless of how close or far away you cast out.
Once you've cast your line out, wait until the bobber starts to be pulled underwater. After a few tugs, it'll be dragged under completely. Using your fishing rod again will then start the main minigame.
The aim is to keep the bobber within the "( )" lines, moving it left or right when necessary. You want to keep reeling in the fish at all times, unless it jumps into the air.
If you let the fish leave the lines, or attempt to reel it in while it's jumping, your fishing line will lose health. Deplete the fishing line health completely, and the fish will get away.
Sometimes you'll come across circles of bubbles in the water. Fish caught from these will be high quality, though no fish types are exclusive to the bubble spots.
Palia Fishing Bait
The type of fish you can catch depends on the area you're fishing in, time of day, and the bait you use (though you can catch fish without using bait). The current types of bait are:
- Worms - Can be bought for 10 Gold each at Zeke's store, or made using a Worm Farm (recipe unlocked via Einar).
- Glow Worms - Can be made using a Glow Worm Farm (recipe unlocked via Einar).
Both types of worm farm are crafters that you build and place on your plot. Each process food into bait, with higher tier food giving more bait in return.

How to Upgrade Your Fishing Rod in Palia
Einar will sell recipes for better tools, once you reach certain Fishing Levels. He spends most of his time in Fisherman's Lagoon in Kilima Village. You must upgrade through each tier of rod in sequence (i.e. you can't skip from Makeshift to Fine).
Palia Fishing Rod List
- Makeshift Rod - Default, available after reading the letter from Einar.
- Standard Rod - Requires Fishing Level 3. Recipe costs 250 Gold, and requires 20 Sapwood Plank, 5 Copper Bar.
- Fine Rod - Requires Fishing Level 6. Recipe costs 1,500 Gold, and requires 10 Heartwood Plank, 5 Iron Bar.
- Exquisite Rod - Requires Fishing Level 9. Recipe costs 3,000 Gold, and requires 5 Flow-Infused Plank, 2 Palium Bar.
Palia Fish List
Fish are split into several different locations, which can be seen in their descriptions once caught. While some fish say they're caught in Kilima Village Lakes, they're also found along the coastline. The same applies to Bahari Bay, with coast and river fish sharing the same catch list.
Ponds (Your Plot, Kilima Village, Bahari Bay)
Name | Bait | Time |
Calico Koi | None | Any |
Cantankerous Koi | None | Daytime, Night |
Cloudfish | Glow Worm | Morning, Daytime |
Fairy Carp | Worm | Morning, Evening |
Giant Goldfish | Glow Worm | Any |
Kilima Catfish | Worm | Any |
Mirror Carp | Worm | Any |
Mottled Gobi | Glow Worm | Any |
Mudminnow | None | Any |
Orange Bluegill | Worm | Any |
Scarlet Koi | Glow Worm | Any |
Stalking Catfish | Glow Worm | Evening, Night |
Kilima Village Lake (also counts the coast)
Name | Bait | Time |
Alligator Gar | Glow Worm | Any |
Beluga Sturgeon | Glow Worm | Any |
Enchanted Pupfish | Glow Worm | Any |
Giant Kilima Stingray | Glow Worm | Morning, Daytime, Evening |
Gillyfin | None | Any |
Largemouth Bass | Worm | Any |
Midnight Paddlefish | Glow Worm | Night |
Painted Perch | Worm | Any |
Prism Trout | Worm | Morning, Daytime |
Shimmerfin | Worm | Any |
Smallmouth Bass | Worm | Any |
Striped Sturgeon | Worm | Evening, Night |
Bahari Bay Caves
Name | Bait | Time |
Albino Eel | Worm | Any |
Bat Ray | Worm | Any |
Blobfish | Glow Worm | Any |
Crimson Fangtooth | Glow Worm | Any |
Eyeless Minow | None | Any |
Hypnotic Moray | Glow Worm | Any |
Mutated Angler | Worm | Any |
Stonefish | Glow Worm | Any |
Umbran Carp | None | Any |
Void Ray | Glow Worm | Any |
Bahari Bay Rivers
Name | Bait | Time |
Bahari Pike | Glow Worm | Any |
Chub | Glow Worm | Any |
Cutthroat Trout | Worm | Any |
Dawnray | None | Morning |
Duskray | None | Evening |
Fathead Minnow | Glow Worm | Any |
Honey Loach | Glow Worm | Daytime, Night |
Kilima Redfin | Worm | Any |
Oily Anchovy | Worm | Any |
Paddlefish | Worm | Morning, Daytime, Evening |
Rosy Bitterling | None | Any |
Silvery Minnow | None | Any |
Stormray | Glow Worm | Morning, Evening |
Swordfin Eel | Glow Worm | Any |
Thundering Eel | Worm | Any |
Willow Lampry | Worm | Night |
Yellow Perch | None | Any |
Bahari Bay Coast
Name | Bait | Time |
Bahari Bass | None | Any |
Bahari Bream | Worm | Any |
Barracuda | None | Evening, Night |
Black Sea Bass | Glow Worm | Any |
Blue Marlin | Worm | Any |
Blue Spotted Ray | Glow Worm | Morning, Daytime, Evening |
Bluefin Tuna | Worm | Any |
Cactus Moray | Glow Worm | Daytime, Night |
Long Nosed Unicorn Fish | Glow Worm | Daytime |
Ribbontail Ray | Worm | Morning, Evening |
Sardine | None | Any |
Yellowfin Tuna | Glow Worm | Any |
That's the end of our Palia Fishing Guide. You can learn more about the game by checking out our other guides below!
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