Persona 3 Portable Female Protagonist Social Link Response Guide

Last Updated: January 19, 2023 7:58 AM /


A social link taking place in Persona 3 Portable

Persona 3 Portable is an updated release of the original Persona 3 and Persona 3 FES. With it there were a number of changes and one of them was that as well as the Male protagonist there was also a Female Protagonist introduced. With the introduction of a Female Protagonist also brought with it differences in the Social Link events that you could take place in. In this Persona 3 Portable Female Protagonist Social Link Response Guide we'll cover all of the different rank-up events that occur with the Female Protagonist Social Links and what response you should pick for maximum points.

If you're interested in how to start each of these Social Links then be sure to check out our Persona 3 Portable Social Links Guide, it's also good for some tips on how you can speed up the Social Link process allowing you to reach Rank 10 with as minimal interactions as possible.

It's important to note that there will be no answers here for the Fool Arcana, Death Arcana, or Judgement Arcana as those unlock automatically through the story and will always reach Rank 10 through the process of the story.

-01- Magician Arcana - Classmate (Junpei Iori)

  • Rank 1 - Any answer here will work
  • Rank 2 - Tell him "C'mon, let's go in!" and then apologize with "I'm... sorry"
  • Rank 3 - Ask him "Where do guy friends go?", then ask if he "knows a lot about coffee.", order a "Hot Cocoa" from the cafe and then when Junpei asks about manga tell him "Maybe I should give it a try then"
  • Rank 4 - Say you want to eat "Ramen", then the next two questions you can answer any way you want, but when Junpei suggests that there are some parents that their kids would be better off without say "That's not true!"
  • Rank 5 - At the start say "Thanks for the food!", and any answer after that will work
  • Rank 6 - Here answer with the first response for all
  • Rank 7 - When Junpei says you might be a tub in ten years tell him to "Shut it, jerk", once he stares off in the distance reassure him that he'll "be a great man", when he's muttering to himself ask is it "your terrible jokes?" and when he asks if you think about what you can do tell him "of course"
  • Rank 8 - Answer with the first response to all of these
  • Rank 9 - Again, answer with the first response to all of these
  • Rank 10 - Any answer here will do

-02- Priestess Arcana - Fuuka Yamagishi

  • Rank 1 - After meeting the requirements and Fuuka has joined SEES speak with her in the 2nd Floor School hallway.
  • Rank 2 - Select the first answer.
  • Rank 3 - Select the first answer both times
  • Rank 4 - Select the second option
  • Rank 5 - Tell her she "did a great job" on her rice ball, then let her know you "didn't teach her anything"
  • Rank 6 - When she said she'll do her best respond with "Okay."
  • Rank 7 - Any answer here will net you the most points
  • Rank 8 - When asked about your positivity reply that "I've never thought about it", and then tell her you "want to be with her too"
  • Rank 9 - Tell her "That's Great", and after she confesses to you "hold her hand"
  • Rank 10 - Talk to Fuuka on 1/9

Mitsuru expressing her love in Persona 3 Portable

-03- Empress Arcana - Mitsuru Kirijo

  • Rank 1 - Speak to Mitsuru in front of the Faculty Office on the 1st floor of the school after 9/21. You might need to ask her a few times for it to trigger.
  • Rank 2 - When she's nervous ask "Is this your first time?"
  • Rank 3 - When she feels dejected "ask her to treat you", then "does that make you happy?". Wjem sjh camnt explain why tell her "maybe you're in love" and then simply "Agree to forget about it"
  • Rank 4 - When she tells you you'll be looking back on things ask "Did something happen?", when she asks what you think about marriage tell her "It's the result of love", for her final question whatever you answer will be the same
  • Rank 5 - Tell her you're "glad she enjoyed it", and when she makes a comment about a motorcycle respond with "A motorcycle?", the suggest "let's go for a ride"
  • Rank 6 - While she's looking at the bookshelf offer "Can I get a book for you?", when she thinks it's the best situation exclaim "That's news to me", and that "she has to reconsider"
  • Rank 7 - Tell her "Let's do it!"
  • Rank 8 - For the first two questions you can answer anything, then "say something to the guy", for the last prompt you should "Stop her"
  • Rank 9 - Tell her "That makes me happy"
  • Rank 10 - Any answer will work here

-04- Emperor Arcana - Student Council (Hidetoshi Odagiri)

  • Rank 1 - On 4/27 you will join the Student Council. After being invited go to the Faculty Room to sign up, then return to the 2nd floor to enter the room. (Daytime)
  • Rank 2 - Any answer will work here
  • Rank 3 - When the members are glaring as "What happened?"
  • Rank 4 - Intervene in the fight and then tell him he did a good job.
  • Rank 5 - Tell Hidetoshi that people can be cruel.
  • Rank 6 - Ask if Hidetoshi "isn't going home yet", and then that you "just got here"
  • Rank 7 - Say that the smoker "should suffer"
  • Rank 8 - When Chihiro asks you what happened to Hidetoshi ask her "What do you mean?, after he spots you tell him "It wasn't me"
  • Rank 9 - Tell him it's a "Good thing he noticed"
  • Rank 10 - Any answer will work here

-05- Hierophant Arcana - Old Couple (Bunkichi and Mitsuko)

  • Rank 1 - The couple will tell you about a persimmon tree, find it on the way to the athletics field in the school and obtain a leaf. Return to the couple after. 
  • Rank 2 - Any answer will work here
  • Rank 3 - Any answer will work here
  • Rank 4 - Say that "you should go to Gekkoukan too", then "Ask what happened" to Mitsuko, finally comment that the tree being cut down "has me worried"
  • Rank 5 - Tell Bunkichi that you'll "root out the truth" and that they "shouldn't worry"
  • Rank 6-  Ask them to "stop quarreling", and then tell them "it'll be okay".
  • Rank 7 - "Ask why Mitsuko is crying", respond with "That's great" when you hear the news about the tree, When asked if you're the one that called them respond with "What are you talking about?"
  • Rank 8 - You can pick any answer here. 
  • Rank 9 - Once again you can pick any answer here
  • Rank 10 - Any answer here will work
  • Important Notes: During the story Bunkichi will get trapped in Tartarus. You'll get a notification that he's stuck in Tartarus on 9/12 and you'll need to save him before 10/04 otherwise you'll no longer be able to progress this Social Link.

-06- Lovers Arcana - Yukari Takeba

  • Rank 1 - Speak to Yukari in the classroom after 7/24.
  • Rank 2 - Talk with Yukari in the classroom. Select the first option both times.
  • Rank 3 - Ask her "What makes you say that?" when she brings up her mom.
  • Rank 4 - Ask "Are you alright?"
  • Rank 5 - "Look around" after she leaves, after a moment "go look for her" then "help her" and apologize saying "Sorry"
  • Rank 6 - When she thanks you for your help you should say "Anytime"
  • Rank 7 - When she asks if you'd like lunch outdoors tell her that that "sounds good"
  • Rank 8 - When you're asked to pick out earrings say "Alright", ask if she's able to "forgive her"
  • Rank 9 - Simply respond with the middle option "......"
  • Rank 10 - Any answer here will do

-07- Chariot Arcana - Sport Team (Rio Iwasaki)

  • Rank 1 - Any answer here will work
  • Rank 2 - Here you can also answer with any response
  • Rank 3 - When Rio asks to be left alone tell her "That ain't happening"
  • Rank 4 - Here answer with the second response to everything
  • Rank 5 - Any answer will work here
  • Rank 6 - Any answer will also work here
  • Rank 7 - Here the second response will work again for everything
  • Rank 8 - Here answer with the first response to everything
  • Rank 9 - Here should also have the first response to everything
  • Rank 10 - Any answer here will work

Achieving the max rank for the Treasurer Social Link in Persona 3 Portable

-08- Justice Arcana - Ken Amada

  • Rank 1 - Any answer here will work
  • Rank 2 - When Ken pushes the peppers aside tell him "you shouldn't be a picky eater", then ask "How's school", when you try to change the subject ask him "What's popular at your school?", finally when you're asked if you watch TV respond that you "Like action shows too"
  • Rank 3 - When you're trying to figure out what to do when the rice was cooked earlier say "Want to come earlier next time?", after that select the second option for all of the choices
  • Rank 4 - Here you can select the second response to everything
  • Rank 5 - When Ken seems like he doesn't have much of an appetite ask "Does it taste bad?", after that tell him "Actually, I want to hear more". When he tells you he threw them away tell him you'll "buy him a different series". After that you can select the first response for the rest of the questions
  • Rank 6 - Here you should pick the second response to everything
  • Rank 7 - Here is where you can chose if you remain platonic or move to romantic. To be Romantic select the second option, for Platonic select anything else.
  • Rank 8 - Here select the first options for Platonic, and the second options for Romantic
  • Rank 9 (Friends) - When Ken says it depends tell him "There's no rush"
  • Rank 9 (Romance) - When Ken asks about when you were holding hands say "Lets hold hands together again", when he apologizes tell him "I don't mind at all." When he hangs his head low tell him "you're fine the way you are" and then finally "Don't worry, I'll wait for you"
  • Rank 10 - Anything here will be correct

-09- Hermit Arcana - Saori Hasegawa

  • Rank 1 - Any answer here will work
  • Rank 2 - When asked if you'll help out say "Of course!", then ask "Do you two not get along?". When Saori comments that she sees you in the hallway tell her "you should come talk to me"
  • Rank 3 - Select the first option for all three responses here
  • Rank 4 - Select the first option for all three responses here
  • Rank 5 - Select the first option for all five responses here
  • Rank 6 - Select the second option for all eight responses here
  • Rank 7 - Select the first option for all five responses here
  • Rank 8 - Select the first option for all three responses here
  • Rank 9 - Select the first option for all seven responses here
  • Rank 10 - Any answer here will work

-10- Fortune Arcana - Ryoji Mochizuki

There are added conditions with this Social Link that are required to be met otherwise you'll be unable to proceed with it. These conditions will be noted underneath each rank.

  • Rank 1 - Any answer will do
  • Rank 2 - Any answer will do
    • Rank 1 and 2 happen automatically as part of the story
  • Rank 3 - Any answer will do
    • Agree to spend time with Ryoji after school when he asks
  • Rank 4 - Select the last option every time
    • During the Kyoto School Trip when Ryoji asks to spend time with you agree
  • Rank 5 - Select the first option every time 
    • This will happen automatically if you accepted the School Trip invite, you'll be asked out again by Ryoji. You must accept
  • Rank 6 - Select the first option every time
  • Rank 7 - Select the first option every time
    • Rank 6 and 7 will occur if you accept the date for Rank 5
  • Rank 8 - When he asks if you'll get in trouble say "We'll just have to not be seen", then when he start to say who he is say "You're Ryoji". Finally when you need to respond carefully you should say "Okay" to take the Lovers path, or "As a friend, then..." for the Platonic path
    • After Rank 7 you'll be asked out on another date, say yes
  • Rank 9 - As Friend or Lover you can respond with any response here
    • Talk to Ryoji after school after he asks to spend time with you to reach Rank 9
  • Rank 10 - Let Ryoji live here for the true ending, or kill him for the bad ending
    • This will occur automatically if all previous conditions have been met

-11- Strength Arcana - Koromaru

  • Rank 1 -Any Answer will do
  • Rank 2 - Select the second option for all answers
  • Rank 3 - Select the first option for all answers
  • Rank 4 - Select the first option for all answers
  • Rank 5 - Select the second option for all answers
  • Rank 6 - Select the first option for all answers
  • Rank 7 - Select the first option for all answers
  • Rank 8 - Select the second option for all answers
  • Rank 9 - Select the second option for all answers
  • Rank 10 - Any answer will do

Maiko's parents fight in a scene in Persona 3 Portable

-12- Hanged Man Arcana - Girl at the Shrine (Maiko)

  • Rank 1 - On 5/6 travel to the shrine and talk with the girl, give her the previously purchased items when she asks for food and drink
  • Rank 2 - Select all the first responses.
  • Rank 3 - When the young man asks who you are tell them you're "Maiko's friend", at the restaurant reassure Maiko "don't worry, he'll be there"
  • Rank 4 - Answer that you're happy for her to have time with her parents, and then 
  • Rank 5 - When she reveals her father hit her say that "That's terrible", and then tell her "it isn't true" that they wouldn't care if she wasn't here
  • Rank 6 - Tell her to not "do anything hasty", and then that snacks and health insurance card "should be enough"
  • Rank 7 - Any answer here should work
  • Rank 8 - Say that you want a "hamburger", tell her that she "did good" by listening to her parents, then tell her to "choose her dad"
  • Rank 9 - Select the first answer
  • Rank 10 - Any answer here will work
  • Important Information: Maiko will get stuck in Tartarus on 10/21 and must be saved before 11/3 otherwise you will not be able to progress in this social link.

-14- Temperance Arcana - Transfer Student (Bebe)

  • Rank 1 - Complete the above requirement and interact with Bebe in the Home Economics room
  • Rank 2 - Visit the Home Ec Room on 5/29 to continue. When he asks if you want to be taught say "Sure, let's go", and at the mall say how "Japan is great"
  • Rank 3 - When Bebe congratulates you about your skill tell him "Not really" and then suggest he makes "something traditional"
  • Rank 4 - When Bebe is quiet ask if "he's alright", then exclaim "what!?"
  • Rank 5 - Agree to get food with him, and then tell him to stay.
  • Rank 6 - Suggest you "take a break", say "alright" when he asks if you want to the sweet shop, finally show him your "support"
  • Rank 7 - Tell him it's a "Good Idea"
  • Rank 8 - Reassure that his uncle will "agree for sure"
  • Rank 9 - When prompted "Ask about his country"
  • Rank 10 - "Compliment him" when he is done with the kimono, and that you'll "be expecting him"
  • Important Information: You must interact with Bebe before the Third Full Moon otherwise you'll be unable to start this Social Link

-15- Devil Arcana - Businessman (President Tanaka)

  • Rank 1 - Begin talking to Tanaka in the Paulownia mall on 6/16 to start paying him nightly to begin the Social Link on 6/23.
  • Rank 2 - Repeat "Placebo" and explain "wow!"
  • Rank 3 - When asked if you're interested in stock trading say "maybe a little"
  • Rank 4 - When asked if you've wanted to be able to look through bathing suits say "I sure have!"
  • Rank 5 - Ask "What happened?", and then that you "feel sorry for him", finally ask "How bad is it?"
  • Rank 6 - Comment that a class reunion "sounds fun"
  • Rank 7 - When he asks if there's something different say "Sort of…", then tell him the supermarket would stock "the organic cucumber"
  • Rank 8 - When he explains how he was accosted respond with "Oh, really?"
  • Rank 9 - Ask if he is "going to donate?"
  • Rank 10 - There are no options

-16- Tower Arcana - Unusual Monk (Monk)

  • Rank 1 - Complete the above requirements and then complete an order at the bar and talk to the monk to start this Arcana.
  • Rank 2 - When he asks what you're up to tell him "None of your business" then "apologize" when he says you should have respect
  • Rank 3 - Tell him that you "don't have any friends"
  • Rank 4 - Select the first option.
  • Rank 5 - When he asks about your money tell him you "have enough", and that there's "nothing" you want right now
  • Rank 6 - Answer with the first response to each question.
  • Rank 7 - When he wants to perform tell him "you don't think he should"
  • Rank 8 - Ask him "dad?", tell him you were "with a friend", and then ask "what're you talking about?" when he mentions clients. When he talks about his home like ask if he is "running away"
  • Rank 9 - Any answer you use here should work.
  • Rank 10 - Tell him his plan is "Awesome"

The protagonist finding Mamory in Persona 3 Portable

-17- Star Arcana - Akihiko Sanada

  • Rank 1 - Select any answer here
  • Rank 2 - Select the first option for all answers
  • Rank 3 - When you're being glared at say "Let's go, Senpai!", then when you're asked what's the matter respond "Yes, it was great. After that any answer will work
  • Rank 4 - Select the first option for all answers
  • Rank 5 - Select the first option for all answers
  • Rank 6 - When asked what should you do respond "Should we leave?", then when Akihiko is watching say "He's just a child", then when Akihiko asks if you think he's strange tell him "He's charming"
  • Rank 7 - Select the first option for all answers
  • Rank 8 - Select the second option for all answers
  • Rank 9 - Ask "Do you come here often?", then "Are you mad?" and "What about now?". When he asks it's the weirdest thing if you select "That's just how things are" or "That is pretty odd" you'll be Platonic, but if you say "you're in love" you'll move into the lovers path. When Akihiko asks "Will you be my girl" responding with "Yes!" will progress the social link but "I'm sorry, but..." will break the social link
  • Rank 10 - Select any answer here 

-18- Moon Arcana - Shinjiro Aragaki

  • Rank 1 - Select any answer here
  • Rank 2 - Select the first option for all answers
  • Rank 3 - Select any answer here
  • Rank 4 - Select the first or second option here for all answers
  • Rank 5 - Select any answer here
  • Rank 6 - Select the last option for all answers
  • Rank 7 - Select the first or second option here for all answers
  • Rank 8 - When he says he'd never imagine he'd go back there say "I'm glad that you came back"
  • Rank 9 - Select the first option for all answers
  • Rank 10 - Select the first option for both answers
    • You'll need to go to the Police Station and find Shinjiro's Pocket Watch before you can unlock Rank 10

-19- Sun Arcana - Dying Young Man (Akinari Kamiki)

  • Rank 1 - The Sunday after encountering him during the Hanged Man Rank 4 event talk with him to learn he's lost a pen, interact with Koromaru (the dog member of your party) in the dorm at night to obtain the pen, and then return it to Akinari on Sunday
  • Rank 2 - When he tells you you're not like the others ask him "How am I different?", then that "that's a good point"
  • Rank 3 - When he asks why it's happening to him tell him "I don't know" and then "Try not to talk too much"
  • Rank 4 - Tell him "Yes, I like reading", and then "If it's boring, I stop reading"
  • Rank 5 - For this conversation "Reprimand Akinari"
  • Rank 6 - When asked about the Pink Aligator say "Hey, that's cool" and when asked about the story tell him "It sounds interesting"
  • Rank 7 - Tell him "That's a good story"
  • Rank 8 - Any answer you make here will be ok
  • Rank 9 - Any answer you make here will also be ok
  • Rank 10 - Any answer will work here

The Social Link page for Aigis and the Aeon Arcana in Persona 3 Portable

-20- Aeon Arcana - Aigis

  • Rank 1 - Speak to Aigis in the 2-F classroom after 1/8
  • Rank 2 - Say "you like it" when asked about the town
  • Rank 3 - Say "I don't think we can", and then "That's not true"
  • Rank 4 - Select the first answer every time.
  • Rank 5 - Tell her "You may be right"
  • Rank 6 - When she asks if she did anything wrong tell her "No, you didn't"
  • Rank 7 - Any answer here will do.
  • Rank 8 - When she is being curious respond "I'm doing it now", and then that "She's not in the way"
  • Rank 9 - Tell her "you're right"
  • Rank 10 - Any answer here will work


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Andrew Stretch Headshot
| Senior Content Manager

Andrew has written Video Game and Entertainment news, reviews, and guides for 10+ years. As Senior Content Manager, he assists in creating and editing… More about Andrew

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Release Date
January 19, 2023 (Calendar)
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