Potionomics Card Unlock Guide

Last Updated: October 18, 2022 12:44 PM /


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While you’ll spend a lot of time crafting perfect potions, they’ll be worth even more if you have the right haggling tools. In our Potionomics Card Unlock Guide, we’ll go over all the cards you can unlock and what they do.

Potionomics Card Unlocking

Haggling in Potionomics makes use of cards, but you won't have a whole lot of them to begin with. Starting off, you have access to five different cards, plus an extra one from Owl after the tutorial.

To get more, you must befriend each of the game’s main characters. Ranking up with each can unlock additional cards, with each character opening up opportunities for new deck types. Unfortunately, there’s no way to know in-game which cards you’ll be unlocking ahead of time, making it hard to decide which characters to focus on first.

This is where our guide comes in. Below is a full list of the cards you can obtain from each character, including some ideas on how to make use of them.

Potionomics Card List

Sylvia - Default

Sylvia’s initial set of cards are not amazing. Everything they can do can be done better by other character’s cards. Use them at the start (not that you have a choice), then switch them out as you unlock more.

  • Set ‘Em Up
  • Reel ‘Em In
  • Close It Out
  • Brace Yourself
  • Think, Sylvia, Think


Owl’s cards revolve around card draw. Scheme can be useful if you get a bad early hand, though its 2 Patience cost makes it hard to use when haggling with impatient customers. Mulligan can be useful for situations where you have a lot of Stress cards, or just need a completely new hand at any point.

  • Scheme - Unlocked during day 1.
  • Two Is Better Than One - Complete 1st tournament.
  • Barrage - Complete 2nd tournament.
  • Mulligan - Complete 3rd tournament.
  • Rattle ‘Em Off - Complete 4th tournament.


Quinn has a lot of status effect cards, many giving Interest over time. Press the Attack is also a useful multi-purpose card early on, letting you draw new cards without completely sacrificing Interest gain.

  • Plant the Seed - Rank 1. 1 Patience. Raise Interest by 8 at the start of the customer's turn for 3 turns.
  • Press the Attack - Rank 2. 1 Patience. Raise Interest by 5. Draw a card.
  • Shock Factor - Rank 3. 2 Patience. Raise Interest by 10 (17 if Opener). Reduces Interest gain by 25% for 2 turns.
  • Pressure - Rank 5. 1 Patience. Draw 3 cards, discarding any drawn that don’t increase Interest.
  • Fuel to the fire - Rank 6. 2 Patience. Double Interest gain of Interest-over-time effects for 5 turns.
  • Compound Interest - Rank 7. 1 Patience. Raises Interest by 4 at the start of the customer's turn. Value doubles every turn.
  • Hustle - Rank 9. Closer. Raise Interest by 8 and close sale. Increases price of potion by an additional 15% if this card maxes Interest.
  • Take It or Leave It - Rank 10. Closer. Raises Interest to next level and closes sale.


Mint has a balance of defensive and low cost cards. Sympathy works well for early customers that don’t apply much Stress, while Muscle Memory and Eye on the Prize work great when building decks focused on cards with low Patience.

  • Sympathy - Rank 1. 1 Patience. Gain 2 shield, increase Interest gain by 25% for 1 turn.
  • Keep Your Guard Up - Rank 2. 2 Patience. Raise Interest by 8, gain 2 shield.
  • Muscle Memory - Rank 3. 0 Patience. Raise Interest by 4.
  • Blitz - Rank 5. 1 Patience. Raise Interest by 14. Can only be played when 3 or less cards are in hand.
  • Eye on the Prize - Rank 6. 0 Patience. Prevents next debuff. Can only be played when 3 or less cards are in hand.
  • Keep It Simple - Rank 7. 1 Patience. Raise Interest by 9. Discard 2 cards (1 if Opener).
  • Unfazed - Rank 9. 1 Patience. Remove a random debuff.
  • Fortitude - Rank 10. 2 Patience. Negates stress received for 2 turns.


Muktuk is all about large Interest gains. Pump Up pairs amazingly with cards that generate high Interest, including Enthusiasm. Zeal is a straight upgrade to Sylvia’s Close It Out, though there are better options elsewhere.

  • Pump Up - Rank 1. 1 Patience. IIncrease next Interest-increasing card’s effect by 50%.
  • Enthusiasm - Rank 2. 3 Patience. Raise Interest by 16.
  • Craftsmanship - Rank 3. 1 Patience. Raise Interest by 6. Increase price of potion by 3%.
  • Bravado - Rank 5. 1 Patience. Apply 3 additional Interest per card played for 2 turns.
  • Reinforce - Rank 6. 2 Patience. Gain 3 shield. Reduce stress received for 3 turns.
  • Zeal - Rank 7. Closer. Raise Interest by 20 and close sale.
  • Artistry - Rank 9. 2 Patience. Raise Interest by 10. Increase price of potion by 5%.
  • Conviction - Rank 10. 2 Patience. Double’s effect of next interest-raising card. Can only be played as opener.


Baptise’s cards can boost Patience, or quickly bump up Interest (for a cost). Very useful to squeeze an extra turn or two in, or close out a sale without completely failing if things don’t go your way.

  • Captivate - Rank 1. 0 Patience. Increase Patience by 1 (2 if opener).
  • Build Rapport - Rank 2. 2 Patience. Raise Interest by 8. Also Increases Interest gain by 25% for 2 turns if opener.
  • Subvert - Rank 3. 1 Patience. Raise Interest by 4. Remove 1 customer buff.
  • Compromise - Rank 5. 2 Patience. Raise Interest to next level. Permanently block highest level of Interest.
  • Common Ground - Rank 6. 2 Patience. Reduce stress applied by 50% for 3 turns.
  • Strategic Withdrawal - Rank 7. 0 Patience. Increase Patience by 3 and permanently block highest level of Interest.
  • Emotional Intelligence - Rank 9. 3 Patience. Raise Interest by 8 (or 25 if customer is debuffed).
  • Silver Tongue - Rank 10. 2 Patience. Raise Interest by 10. Remove all customer buffs.


Saffron has a lot of cards that can reduce your Stress. Many of these aren’t overly useful early on, especially if you like to use shields. However, Casual Conversation is amazing for competition rounds, since it scales based on Patience.

  • Meditate - Rank 1. 1 Patience. Decrease stress by 2.
  • Guided Thought - Rank 2. 1 Patience. Raise interest by 5, reduce stress by 1.
  • Casual Conversation - Rank 3. 2 Patience. Raise Interest by 1 for every current point of Patience.
  • Deep Connection - Rank 5. 0 Patience. Increase Patience by 4. Can only be played if no other cards are in your hand.
  • Mindfulness - Rank 6. 0 Patience. Discard a stress card.
  • Regulated Breathing - Rank 7. 1 Patience. Reduce stress by 1 each turn. Last for the entire haggling session, and can be stacked by playing more copies of the card.
  • Serenity of Mind - Rank 9. 2 Patience. Draw 5 cards. Can only be used if stress is below 20%.
  • Tranquility - Rank 10. 1 Patience. Discard all stress cards without triggering their effects. Reduce stress by 5 for each discard.


Roxanne is a master of deception, with her cards letting you mask negative traits or debuff customers. Flattery is great for a quick price boost before closing a sale, and you can still use a Closer right after for even more profits.

  • Sleight of Hand - Rank 1. Closer. Raise Interest by 10, while also masking bad traits of potion.
  • Flattery - Rank 2. 2 Patience. Temporarily increases price of potion by 15% for 1 turn.
  • Disarm - Rank 3. 0 Patience. Remove customer’s shield.
  • Pander - Rank 5. 2 Patience. Raise Interest by 24. Increases stress by 3 for 2 turns.
  • Emotional Minefield - Rank 6. 1 Patience. Applies “Emotional Damage” for 1 turn. Increases Interest gain by 25% on next turn and raises Interest by 10 if customer complains.
  • Chapstick - Rank 7. 2 Patience. Increases Interest gain by 50% for 2 turns (3 if opener).
  • Magnetism - Rank 9. 3 Patience. Raise Interest by 15. Temporarily increases potion price by 15% for 2 turns.
  • Mass Misdirection - Rank 10. Closer. Raise interest by 18. Masks all negative potion trails and closes sale.


If you want low cost and high card draw, Xid is the person you’ll want to befriend. Jingle is pretty much free Patience (can be paired with Baptiste’s Captivate for even more Patience gain), and Improv works well with many of Xid and Mint’s low cost cards.

  • Jingle - Rank 1. 1 Patience. Reduces cost of next card by 2 Patience.
  • Opening Act - Rank 2. 2 Patience. Raises Interest by 5 and stops shield gain on customer’s turn for 3 turns. Also reduces the cost of next card by 1 Patience if opener.
  • Chorus - Rank 3. 1 Patience. Raise Interest by 5 for each time the card is played during current transaction (you get 4 copies of this card).
  • Improv - Rank 5. 1 Patience. Draw 3 cards from deck that cost 0 or 1 Patience.
  • Rhythm - Rank 6. 2 Patience. Reduce cost of all cards played next turn by 1 Patience.
  • Throat Spray - Rank 7. 2 Patience. Remove random debuff and decrease stress by 3. Can only be played as opener.
  • Catchy Tune - Rank 9. 2 Patience. Raise interest by the most recent raised interest amount.


Luna has a weird set of cards, usually revolving around increasing stress to build Interest. Usually too high risk to be worth building a deck around, especially if you only have a few of her cards.

  • Elevator Pitch - Rank 1. 1 Patience. Always drawn in opening hand, and only works as opener. Raise Interest by 4, increase Interest gain by 25% for 1 turn.
  • Lean into it - Rank 2. 2 Patience. Raise interest by 3 for every 5 points of stress. Discard 1 random card.
  • Wing it - Rank 3. 1 Patience. Raise Interest by 12. Increase stress by 5.
  • Rehearsed Line - Rank 5. 0 Patience. Raise Interest by 6. Decreases by 3 each time card is played in the same transaction.
  • Caffeine Rush - Rank 6. 1 Patience. Discard up to 2 stress cards in hand. Increase stress by 3.
  • Dig Deep - Rank 7. 3 Patience. Increase stress by 5. Then, raise interest by 5 for every 4 points of stress.
  • Subliminal Messaging - Rank 9. 2 Patience. Raises Interest by 10 at the start of customer’s turn for 3 turns. Value increases by 5 each turn.
  • Final Push. Rank 10. Closer. Raise Interest by 12 for each current level of Interest. Close sale.

Salt and Pepper

Salt and Pepper are the only source of “Choose One” cards, which have a great deal of flexibility. Strike or Strike Later is always a good choice if you’re after both Interest gain and shields.

  • Strike or Strike Later - Rank 1. 2 Patience. Choose one: Raise Interest by 11 or gain 5 shield.
  • Good Cop, Bad Cop - Rank 2. 3 Patience. Raise Interest by 20. Reduce Interest gain for 2 turns.
  • Salt or Pepper - Rank 3. 2 Patience. Choose one: Increase Interest applied by 50% for 2 turns, or reduce stress gained by 50% for 2 turns.
  • Avast Ye! - Rank 5. 1 Patience. Reduce Interest gain by 25% for 2 turns, while also making next card played within 2 turns free. Can only be played as opener.
  • Give No Quarter - Rank 6. Closer. Remove all customer buffs, then raise Interest by 13. Close sale.
  • Batten Down the Hatches - Rank 7. 3 Patience. Choose one: Prevent next debuff, or reduce stress by 5.
  • Mental Purrrley - Rank 9. 0 Patience. Discard 3 random cards.
  • Carpe Diem - Rank 10. Closer. Raise Interest by 7 for every card played prior to this one on current turn. Close sale.


Corsac’s main cards are stances, which work differently from normal buffs. Instead of only lasting during one haggle attempt, you’ll keep you active stance until the entire session is over. However, it’s only possible to have one stance at a time. Ferocity of the Squirrel is a must have for both shop and competition haggling, especially when paired with lots of low cost cards.

  • Ferocity of the Squirrel - Rank 1. 1 Interest. Stance. Increase Interest by 2 every time a card is played. Lasts until haggle session ends.
  • Adapt - Rank 2. 1 Patience. Changes based on current Stance. Ends current stance when played.
    • Ferocity of the Squirrel: Increase Interest by 12.
    • Serenity of the Mollusk: Reduce stress by 5.
    • Mind of the Slime: Draw 4 cards.
  • Be Prepared - Rank 3. 1 Patience. Reduces stress received by 50% for 1 turn. Also increases shield gain by 50% for 1 turn if opener.
  • Happy Place - Rank 5. 2 Patience. Raise Interest by 14. Ignores all buffs and debuffs.
  • Serenity of the Mollusk - Rank 6. 3 Patience. Adds 2 shield per turn.
  • Pivot - Rank 7.
  • Mind of the Slime - Rank 9. 2 Patience. Draw an extra card per turn.
  • Lessons from Nature - Rank 10. 2 Patience. Draw a card. Raise Interest by 10. Gain 3 shield.

And that’s all the possible cards you can obtain in Potionomics. Most of the higher rank cards are unnecessary to complete the game, though they can be helpful if you’re trying to make lots of money while selling potions.

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| Staff Writer

Isaac is a Staff Writer at TechRaptor, handling guides — and the occasional review — for games throughout many genres. Some of his more extensive work at… More about Isaac

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Game Page Potionomics
Voracious Games
Release Date
October 17, 2022 (Calendar)
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