Spirittea Insects Guide: How and Where to Catch Insects

Last Updated: November 13, 2023 10:50 AM /


Spirittea Insects Guide - Cover Image Getting Ready to Catch a Butterfly

This Spirittea Insects Guide will teach you all of the insects that you can find in the game as well as the people who will enjoy going bug-hunting with you.

Insects are one of the many collectibles that you can find in Spirittea, as well as a social activity you can do to increase your relationship points with villagers. 

How to Hunt Insects

Spirittea screenshot showing a character triumphantly holding up a bright pink orchid mantis with a big grin on their face

If you want to start hunting down insects for yourself, you're going to need to get your hands on a bug-hunting net from Song's store. It'll cost you about 400M but should be available most days after the opening tutorial. If you're looking for any other items, check out our Spirittea resource guide

Once you've got the net it's as simple as equipping the net and running around town spaming the use key to catch bugs. Some bugs can be found spawning all over the map, while some have more specific requirements for you to get your hands on, such as needing to be with a villager, or in a specific location. 

Insects List

Below we've listed each insect that you can find in each season, as well as how to capture them if they have special spawn locations or rules. Check back as we discover more of the rare insects in the game. 

Spirittea screenshot showing a pixelart tree with tiny representations of various insects hanging around on the ground and in the sky nearby
It's quite a cool way to display which insects you've caught, if you can tell what some of these 5-pixel-wide dots actually are. 

Spring Insects

  • Butterfly
  • Firefly

Summer Insects

  • Eyed Hawkmoth
  • Cyclops Catapiller

Fall Insects

  • Marauder Ant
  • Orchid Mantis
  • Walking Stick
  • Sunset Moth
    • Caught on tree trunks throughout the town and mountains.
  • Cloud Cat
    • Caught on the mountaintop using Spirit Vision. 
  • Skullbug

Winter Insects

  • Sailboat Dragonfly
  • Golden Slug
    • Caught on the ground
  • False Honey Ant
  • Stonefly

Villagers that can hunt Insects:

Below is a list of the villagers who are available to go bug hunting as a social activity when they're not otherwise busy. 

  • Kenzo
  • Kim
  • Sora
  • Tifa
  • Yumi

We've reached the end of the Spirittea Insects Guide -- check out our other guides below!

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
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Game Page Spirittea
Cheesemaster Games
No More Robots
Release Date
November 13, 2023 (Calendar)
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