Stray Badge Collectible Guide

Last Updated: July 19, 2022 10:06 AM /


Stray Badge - Outsider

Stray puts players in the headspace of a cat lost in a city filled with friendly robots, and some not-so-friendly things too. Along the journey, you have a chance to complete a number of quests helping out the population of the city, a reward for completing these questlines is that you'll obtain a new badge. In this Stray Badge Collectible Guide, we'll go over each of the Badges and how to obtain them.

There is no menu where you can view your badges, but you can see them be added to the vest that your cat wears during the game. Use the listing below if you aren't sure which badge you're missing

  • Badges on the left side of the vest are Music on the top, Cat on lower left, and Police on lower right
  • Badges on the right side of the vest are Plant at the top, Outsider on the lower left, and Neco on the lower right

Stray Badge Collectible Guide - Music Badge

Where to Obtain: Chapter 4 or Chapter 6 - The Slums

From the central area where B-12 first translates a robot for you look to your left to see a set of steps to go down. At the bottom of these steps, you'll see a sad musician sitting around. His name is Moresque and he's an aspiring musician, he just has no sheet music. Around The Slums, there are 8 hidden pieces of Sheet Music for you to grab and take to him. After you complete this quest you'll not only receive the Music Badge but also the Trophy Meowsical, if you want to find the locations for all of these pages then check out our Stray Meowsical Trophy Guide.

Stray Badge Collectible Guide - Outsider Badge

Where to Obtain: You can start the process in Chapter 4 - The Slums but will take until Chapter 6 - The Slums Part 2 to complete

You will obtain this Badge through normal story progression as you're leaving The Slums. In order to progress through here, you'll need to complete a short trading quest that starts with you obtaining a bottle of detergent, and ends with you fixing the relationship of an estranged father and son. If you've found yourself asking questions like "Where do I get Detergent in Stray?" or "What should I do with the Poncho in Stray?" then you can check out our Slums Trading Quest Guide.

    Stray Badge Collectible Guide - Plant Badge

    Where to Obtain: Chapter 9 - Antvillage

    On the upper level of the Antvillage you'll find a Robot named Malo who is trying to grow a variety of plants, unfortunately, there are some variants of plants that they have not been able to obtain yet. After talking with B-12 you learn they're after a Red, Purple, and Yellow plant. As these locations go a bit in-depth be sure to check our Stray Plant Badge Collectible Guide for the exact locations of these.

    Once you've collected all of the Plants return to Malo and present them to the Robot to be given the Plant Badge.

    Stray Badge Collectible Guide - Cat Badge

    Where to Obtain: Chapter 10 - Midtown

    Stray Cat Badge 2

    As soon as you walk into the market street keep an eye on your right. You'll see a convenience store with a Robot standing outside it. Go inside and there will be a sign on the wall behind the shopkeep that says "2458 :edoC". Climb up the shelves at the back of the store to find a safe and reverse the message to reveal "Code: 8542". Inside this safe you'll find the Cat Badge.

    Stray Cat Badge Video

    Here's a video walkthrough of how to get the Cat Badge, too:

    Stray Badge Collectible Guide - Police Badge

    Where to Obtain: Chapter 10 - Midtown

    Stray Police Badge 1

    Walk down the market street until you see the clothing shop on your left. Directly to the right of this show is a dead-end alleyway. Near the opening of the alleyway climb on the AC units and begin to scale the building. Once you're at the top you'll be able to walk along ledges to a window with bars on it. Hop inside this window and you'll find a Robot on the ground, interact with it to get the Police Badge.

    Stray Police Badge Video

    Here's a video walkthrough of how to get the Police Badge, too:

    Stray Badge Collectible Guide - Neco Badge

    Where to Obtain: Chapter 10 - Midtown, Inside the Neco Factory

    Progress through the story in Chapter 10 until you're inside the Neco Factory. You'll know you're in the right place if you're having to avoid Sentinels. Continue through the factory until you find the Robot worker who is looking for his lost keys. Continue to the next area of the factory where you need to walk behind large cages to avoid the Sentinel's gaze. At the end of this segment you'll need to hop over barrels floating in the water. Once you get onto the first barrel look right and jump towards the barrels that are out of the way and you'll find the worker's keys.

    Stray Neco Badge 2

    In the next room pull the lever to open a shortcut to an earlier section of the factory where you can backtrack to the worker who has lost his keys. Once you give the keys back to him you'll earn the Neco Badge.

    Stray Neco Badge Video

    Here's a video walkthrough of how to get the Neco Badge, too:


    After collecting all six Badges you'll see your Badges Trophy unlock.

    Have a tip, or want to point out something we missed? Leave a Comment or e-mail us at

    Andrew Stretch Headshot
    | Senior Content Manager

    Andrew has written Video Game and Entertainment news, reviews, and guides for 10+ years. As Senior Content Manager, he assists in creating and editing… More about Andrew

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