Valheim Building Guide

Last Updated: November 27, 2022 12:01 PM /


Valheim Building Guide cover

Our Valheim Building Guide will teach you how Building works, how to unlock more Buildings, and how to increase your Comfort score!

How Valheim Building Works

Valheim Building requires only three things: a Hammer, resources, and somewhere to Build. From there, your only limitations are your imagination and the structural integrity system.

Getting Started with Building

Your first step in Valheim building is to make a Hammer. The Hammer is a tool that lets you build objects in the game world and repair them -- you can't make a building without it!

If you have the resources to spare, you should upgrade it to Level 3 at your Workbench; this increases the durability and saves you from having to go back and constantly repair it. Once you have a Hammer, you're ready to get started with Building.

Valheim Building Guide work site

Selecting a Site and Planning Out Your Building

Your next step is to select a site for your building. The best way to do that is to ask yourself some questions:

  1. What is this Building going to be used for? Is this your main base or is it just used for an overnight stay?
  2. Is the Building in a dangerous area? What kind of monsters do you expect to fight?
  3. Do you have enough materials nearby or do you need to bring them to the construction site?

Answering these questions is key to picking a good site. You can safely make structures out of wood in the Meadows, but a building in the Black Forest, Swamps, Mountains, or Plains should probably be constructed out of stone to be safe -- larger creatures like Trolls, Stone Golems, and Lox can shatter Stake Walls into splinters surprisingly fast.

If you do decide to go with Stone, it may be helpful to build a Cart and work near a Black Forest or Mountain biome. Both of these locations have abundant amounts of Stone. You can certainly find Stone in the Meadows, Swamp, Plains, and Mistlands, but you'll have a harder time collecting enough to get the job done.

Once you've decided where to build, you should clear out the land. Chop down any Trees in the way and break any rocks with your Pickaxe (unless you'd like to keep them around as a decorative feature). Your next step is to gather the resources you'll need for construction.

Valheim Building Guide work shed
You can fit everything you need to make a building in a very tiny space.

Gathering Resources and Building a Work Shed

Gathering resources is a simple affair -- you're going to need some Wood and Stone no matter what you're Building. Clearing the land around your construction site will probably provide some of the materials you need, but it certainly won't provide all of them.

I strongly recommend that you Build a work shed. Build a Workbench and, if necessary, build a Stonecutter next to it. Build a roof over it and put a few Chests nearby. You may also want to surround the work shed with a Stake Wall to protect it from enemies while you're away. You can even place a Bed in this area to respawn nearby, just in case.

Collect Wood and Stone from wherever is most convenient. If you have neither nearby, it may be helpful to build a Portal to an area where they are more abundant — while you can't take a Cart through a Portal, you can take trips back and forth and transport large amounts of resources very quickly that way.

Think about how much Wood and Stone you might need. On average, one wooden building piece will take 2 Wood and one stone building piece will take 6 Stone. Take that estimate and double it. It's not fun to run out of materials halfway through construction and you'll surely find a use for the leftovers.

Valheim Building Guide work construction

Time for Construction!

Now it's time to actually start making your Valheim building! In this game, you can only build within the range of a Workbench, Forge, Stonecutter, etc. depending on what items you're building. Pay attention to the crafting requirements and ensure that you have the appropriate Workbench in range. You can always dismantle one and move it if you need to, but it may be easier to simply build a bunch of Workbenches and dismantle them when you're done.

An important note: Workbenches, Stonecutters, etc. that are exposed to the rain may take damage. Be sure to repair them with your Hammer before dismantling them or you might not get back all of the resources used to make them! That's not a big deal for a Workbench, but it can really hurt if you lose an Iron Bar because you dismantled a damaged Stonecutter.

Start with the floor. In the case of wood, it may be helpful to build some stilts and raise them up off of the ground so it looks nice. Stone floors can be built on the ground, even if the terrain is a little uneven — you can always use the Hoe to flatten things out a little more or the Pickaxe to lower the ground if you need to.

Next up is the walls for your first floor. Build out the walls however it makes sense. I recommend at least two blocks high — anything lower and it will be terribly cramped. A low ceiling also runs the risk of getting stuck in a wall or ceiling. There's no shortage of space in the world!

If you're building a multi-story building, you're going to want to work on one floor at a time. Build the first floor, then the walls, and then the second floor. You'll need a roof as well, of course — especially because wooden structures get reduced to 50% health when they're exposed to rain.

A Note on Campfires, Fireplaces, and Chimneys

Any building you plan to sleep in will require a campfire. Campfires can be placed outside of very small buildings or lean-tos if you don't have space. If you're making a proper home, however, then you're going to want to have your campfires indoors.

Campfires can only be placed on the ground or on Stone floors. A Valheim building made entirely out of Wood can't have a Campfire on the floor; your best bet, in this case, is to leave a hole in the floor for the Campfire.

You're also going to need a chimney. Campfires build up smoke and that will gradually cause damage to you over time. Your chimney should extend above the roof and have a covering on top to prevent the rain from putting out your fire, too.

Finally, consider building multiple Campfires next to one another. More Campfires mean more space for cooking and that can save you a lot of time in the end.

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Valheim Building Guide material heights
Each material can support a maximum height on flat ground. Wood Iron Beams cost 1 Iron bar apiece, but they're your best bet for very tall structures.

How to Make a Big Building in Valheim - How the Structural Integrity System Works

Suppose you want to have a really big Building in Valheim. That's no easy feat -- Valheim has a "structural integrity" system similar to what you see in games like 7 Days to Die. The structural integrity system means that structures need to be properly supported from the ground up. If a supporting pillar is destroyed, you could very well see your entire roof collapse on top of you. Falling materials won't hurt you as a player, but it will mean that you'll have to rebuild the broken pieces.

It's good practice to ensure that your structure is properly supported with columns and pillars where necessary. Stone buildings can be reinforced with Wood Iron Beams to reach even greater heights, and you can build Wooden building pieces on top of that. You can create some truly impressive creations by properly mixing Iron-reinforced Stone and Wood. Angled Iron Beams (introduced in the Mistlands Update) are great for supporting roofs in large open areas.

Valheim Building Guide stone heights plus wood
Stone supported by the ground (left), Wood Iron Poles (center), and unsupported (right), all built to their maximum heights. Note that Wood can be built on top of Stone, even if the Stone is at its structural limit.

How does the structural integrity system work? It's simple: a piece connected to the ground counts as a "foundation" piece and will be colored blue when you hover your cursor over it with the Hammer out. Pieces built on top of that are colored green, and each additional connected piece will gradually change color from green to red. A bright red piece is the absolute limit and you can't add anything else to it; you may want to consider adding additional supports if you want to Build bigger.

Because of this system, it's also possible to raise up the ground and use the terrain for support. It's a little cheesy, but raising up the land and using it as a support can help make a very large building if that's what you're going for.

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Valheim Stonecutter and Stone Buildings Guide heights
Stone buildings can reach new heights when supported by raised earth (left) or Wood Iron Poles (center) -- compare the heights to no additional support (right).

How to Unlock Stone Buildings in Valheim

You can unlock Stone Buildings in Valheim by unlocking the Stonecutter. Here's what you need to make a Stonecutter:

  • Workbench in range
  • 10 Wood
  • 2 Iron Bars
  • 4 Stone

The Iron Bars are the toughest requirement for new players -- you'll have to travel to a Swamp and dig up some Iron from a Crypt to get it. It's worth it, though, because Stone Buildings are some of the toughest structures in the game.

Why Stone Buildings Are Better in Valheim

Surviving in the harsher biomes will be nigh-impossible without Stone Buildings in Valheim, especially when it comes to certain situations. As one example, you might want to build a small base to respawn at if you die during a boss fight. Such a base in the Black Forest, Swamps, Mountains, Plains, or Mistlands could easily be destroyed by some of the tougher creatures if it's made out of Wood.

There's also the matter of more permanent settlements -- growing Flax and Barley can only be done in the Plains and some of the tougher creatures in that region can make short work of a Wooden base. Once you can build with Stone, you'll never want to go back.

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Valheim Building Guide decoration
Decoration and lighting is the difference between a house and a home.

How Comfort Works in Valheim - How to Decorate Your Home

Comfort in Valheim is a measurement of how long you can maintain the "Rested" buff away from home. Comfort can be increased by Building certain pieces from the Misc and Furniture category, although some of them come with conditions.

Each piece of Furniture has a radius, too. If you have a massive hall, you won't be able to spread the Comfort buff to the entire area with just one piece of Furniture. You'll likely have to build several copies of items to ensure full coverage of the entire space (if you feel it's necessary, that is).

Finally, items providing Comfort fall into categories such as "Chairs" or "Banners," and 2 items from the same category will not stack their Comfort bonus. For example, you cannot build a Chair and a Bench and get Comfort from each; you will only get Comfort from the highest-ranking item in that category.

Valheim Building is more than floors, walls, and a roof -- it's also what's inside. Bronze Nails can be used to make Item Stands. These Item Stands, in turn, can be used to place pretty much any item in the game on a flat surface or on a wall. Mount a sword on the wall! Put one of those dozens of trophies you have piling up in a chest above your fireplace! There are a lot of opportunities for creativity here.

Adding some light can make your home look nicer, too, but be warned -- having too much light can cause your FPS to drop pretty badly, especially on older computers. Sometimes, less is more! Don't be afraid to experiment and make the most of your new Valheim Building.

How to Get the Highest Comfort in Valheim

Here's what you need to get the highest Comfort in Valheim:

  • Hearth (when Lit)
  • Shelter buff (Roof overhead and enough side coverage from walls)
  • Dragon Bed
  • Raven Throne or Stone Throne or Black Marble Throne
  • Round Table or Long Heavy Table
  • Deer Rug
  • Wolf Rug
  • Lox Rug
  • Hare Rug
  • Red Jute Carpet
  • Blue Jute Carpet
  • Any Banner
  • Armor Stand
  • Hot Tub (when Lit)
  • Maypole
  • Yule Tree

All of these items combined will give you a Comfort score of 23, which gives you the Rested buff for 30 minutes. However, the Maypole and Yule Tree can only be Built during specific time periods in Summer and Winter, respectively -- that means that you'll only be able to get a Comfort score of 21 without them, giving you the Rested buff for a maximum of 28 minutes.

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Valheim Building Guide - List of Comfort Scores

Valheim Comfort Score List

Here is a list of all of the items that provide Comfort in Valheim, how much Comfort they provide, and which category each of these items belongs to.

Furniture Slot Comfort
Black Banner Banners 1  
Blue Banner Banners 1  
Blue, Red, and White Banner Banners 1  
Green Banner Banners 1  
Orange Banner Banners 1  
Purple Banner Banners 1  
Red Banner Banners 1  
White and Blue Striped Banner Banners 1  
White and Red Striped Banner Banners 1  
White Banner Banners 1  
Yellow Banner Banners 1  
Bed Bed 1  
Dragon Bed Bed  2  
Blue Jute Carpet Blue Jute Carpet 1  
Bench Chairs 1  
Black Marble Bench Chairs 1  
Sitting Log Chairs 1  
Stool Chairs 1  
Chair Chairs 2  
Darkwood Chair Chairs 2  
Black Marble Throne Chairs 3  
Raven Throne Chairs 3  
Stone Throne Chairs 3  
Deer Rug Deer Rug 1  
Bonfire Fire 1 Only provides Comfort when lit.
Campfire Fire 1 Only provides Comfort when lit.
Hanging Brazier Fire 1 Only provides Comfort when lit.
Standing Brazier Fire 1 Only provides Comfort when lit.
Hearth Fire 2 Only provides Comfort when lit.
Hare Rug Hare Rug 1  
Hot Tub Hot Tub 2 Only provides Comfort when lit.
Lox Rug Lox Rug 1  
Maypole Maypole 1 Can only be Crafted during the Midsummer season in Summer. Can rarely be found in Meadows Villages.
Red Jute Carpet Red Jute Carpet 1  
Shelter Shelter 2 Shelter only gives Comfort when a Campfire is nearby.
Black Marble Table Tables 1  
Table Tables 1  
Long Heavy Table Tables 2  
Round Table Tables 2  
Wolf Rug Wolf Rug 1  
Yule Tree Yule Tree 1 Can only be Crafted during the Yule season in Winter.

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Valheim Building Guide - List of Building Pieces

Valheim Building Pieces List

Here is a list of all of the Building pieces in Valheim, what Workbench is needed to Craft them, their Crafting Recipes, and any relevant notes.

Valheim Building Guide - Misc Pieces


Building Workbench Crafting Recipe Notes
Campfire N/A 5 Stone, 2 Wood Fueled with Wood.
Bonfire N/A 1 Surtling Core, 5 Ancient Bark, 5 Fine Wood, 5 Core Wood Fueled with Wood.
Hearth Stonecutter 15 Stone Fueled with Wood.
Wood Stack N/A 50 Wood  
Fine Wood Stack N/A 50 Fine Wood  
Core Wood Stack N/A 50 Core Wood  
Yggdrasil Wood Stack N/A 50 Yggdrasil Wood  
Stone Pile N/A 50 Stone  
Coal Pile N/A 50 Coal  
Black Marble Pile N/A 50 Black Marble  
Wood Dragon Adornment Workbench 10 Fine Wood  
Raven Adornment Workbench 10 Fine Wood, 1 Tar  
Wolf Adornment Workbench 10 Fine Wood, 1 Tar  
Roundpole Fence Workbench 1 Wood  
Stakewall Workbench 4 Wood  
Dvergr Stakewall Black Forge 8 Yggdrasil Wood, 8 Iron  
Sharp Stakes Workbench 6 Wood, 4 Core Wood Damages anyone who touches it.
Dvergr Sharp Stakes Black Forge 5 Yggdrasil Wood, 5 Iron Damages anyone who touches it.
Trap Workbench 5 Black Metal, 10 Bronze Nails, 1 Mechanical Spring Prevents enemies from moving when they touch it. Has to be armed.
Ballista Workbench 20 Black Metal, 3 Mechanical Spring Automatically shoots at enemies when loaded. Uses Missiles (large Bolts) for ammo.
Portal Workbench 10 Greydwarf Eye, 20 Fine Wood, 2 Surtling Core Allows transportation between two named Portals.
Ward N/A 5 Fine wood, 5 Greydwarf Eye, 1 Surtling Core Protects buildings against damage from enemies and other players.
Cart Workbench 20 Wood, 10 Bronze Nails 18 storage slots. Allows transportation of large amounts of goods. Higher weight makes the Cart heavier.
Longship Workbench 100 Iron Nails, 10 Deer Hide, 40 Fine Wood, 40 Ancient Bark 18 storage slots. Fast-moving Boat that allows you to move large groups of people over water.
Raft Workbench 20 Wood, 6 Leather Scraps, 6 Resin Allows transportation over the water. No onboard storage.
Karve Workbench 30 Fine Wood, 10 Deer Hide, 20 Resin, 80 Bronze Nails 4 storage slots. Fast-moving Boat that allows you to move small groups of people over water.
Treasure Chest Workbench 99 Coins, 5 Ruby, 2 Silver Necklace, 8 Fine Wood, 2 Silver Purely decorative chest with no storage slots.
Coin Pile N/A 999 Coins  
Coin Stack N/A 99 Coins  
Cartography Table Workbench 10 Fine Wood, 10 Bone Fragments, 2 Bronze, 5 Leather Scraps, 4 Raspberries Allows you to share Map data with other players.

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Valheim Building Guide - Crafting Pieces


Building Workbench Crafting Recipe Notes
Cooking Station N/A 2 Wood Cooks Food.
Iron Cooking Station Forge 3 Iron, 3 Chain Cooks Food.
Cauldron Forge 10 Tin Cooks advanced Food recipes.
Spice Rack Workbench 3 Dandelion, 2 Carrot, 5 Mushroom, 3 Thistle, 3 Turnip Cauldron Improvement.
Butcher's Table Workbench 2 Ancient Bark, 4 Core Wood, 4 Fine Wood, 2 Silver Cauldron Improvement.
Pots and Pans Workbench 5 Iron, 5 Copper, 5 Black Metal, 10 Fine Wood Cauldron Improvement.
Mortar and Pestle Workbench 8 Black Marble, 6 Fine Wood, 4 Core Wood Cauldron Improvement.
Stone Oven Artisan Table 15 Iron, 20 Stone, 4 Surtling Core Cooks advanced Food recipes.
Workbench N/A 10 Wood Use for basic Crafting.
Chopping Block Workbench 10 Wood, 10 Flint Workbench Improvement.
Tanning Rack Workbench 10 Wood, 15 Flint, 20 Leather Scraps, 5 Deer Hide Workbench Improvement.
Adze Forge 10 Fine Wood, 3 Bronze Workbench Improvement.
Tool Shelf Forge 4 Iron, 10 Fine Wood, 4 Obsidian Workbench Improvement.
Stonecutter Workbench 10 Wood, 2 Iron, 4 Stone Required for Building with Stone.
Artisan Table N/A 10 Wood, 2 Dragon Tear Requires for Building advanced Workbenches.
Forge Workbench 4 Stone, 4 Coal, 10 Wood, 6 Copper Used for advanced Crafting.
Forge Bellows Workbench 5 Wood, 5 Deer Hide, 4 Chain Forge Improvement.
Anvils Workbench 5 Wood, 2 Bronze Forge Improvement.
Grinding Wheel Workbench 25 Wood, Sharpening Stone Forge Improvement.
Smith's Anvil Workbench 20 Iron, 5 Wood Forge Improvement.
Forge Cooler Workbench 25 Wood, 10 Copper Forge Improvement.
Forge Toolrack Workbench 15 Iron, 10 Wood Forge Improvement.
Smelter Workbench 20 Stone, 5 Surtling Core Smelts Ore into Bars.
Blast Furnace Artisan Table 20 Stone, 5 Surtling Core, 10 Iron, 20 Fine Wood Smelts higher-tier Ore into Bars.
Eitr Refinery Workbench 20 Black Marble, 5 Black Metal, 10 Yggdrasil Wood, 5 Black Core, 3 Sap Creates Refined Eitr.
Black Forge Workbench 10 Black Marble, 10 Yggdrasil Wood, 5 Black Core Used for advanced Crafting.
Black Forge Cooler Black Forge 5 Iron, 5 Copper, 4 Black Marble Black Forge Improvement.
Charcoal Kiln Workbench 20 Stone, 5 Surtling Core Turns Wood into Coal.
Windmill Artisan Table 20 Stone, 30 Wood, 30 Iron Nails Turns Barley into Barley Flour.
Spinning Wheel Artisan Table 20 Fine Wood, 10 Iron Nails, 5 Leather Scraps Turns Flax into Linen Thread.
Beehive Workbench 10 Wood, 1 Queen Bee Produces Honey.
Sap Extractor Workbench 10 Yggdrasil Wood, 5 Black Metal, 1 Dvergr Extractor Produces Sap from Yggdrasil Roots.
Fermenter Forge 20 Fine Wood, 5 Bronze, 10 Resin Produces Mead and Potions.
Obliterator Forge 8 Iron, 4 Copper, 1 Thunder Stone Destroys items placed inside when activated.
Galdr Table Workbench 20 Yggdrasil Wood, 10 Black Metal, 5 Black Core, 5 Refined Eitr Used for Crafting magical items.
Rune Table Galdr Table 10 Black Marble, 5 Yggdrasil Wood, 10 Refined Eitr Galdr Table Improvement.
Wisp Fountain Stonecutter 10 Stone, 1 Torn Spirit Attracts Wisps at night.

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Valheim Building Guide - Building Pieces


Building Workbench Crafting Recipe Notes
Wood Floor 1x1 Workbench 1 Wood  
Wood Floor 2x2 Workbench 2 Wood  
Wood Stair Workbench 2 Wood  
Wood Ladder Workbench 2 Wood  
Wood Wall 1x1 Workbench 1 Wood  
Wood Wall Half Workbench 1 Wood  
Wood Wall Workbench 2 Wood  
Wood Wall 26 Degrees Workbench 2 Wood  
Wood Wall 26 Degrees (Inverted) Workbench 2 Wood  
Wood Roof Cross 26 Degrees Workbench 2 Wood  
Wood Wall 45 Degrees Workbench 2 Wood  
Wood Wall 45 Degrees (Inverted) Workbench 2 Wood  
Wood Roof Cross 45 Degrees Workbench 2 Wood  
Thatch Roof 26 Degrees Workbench 2 Wood  
Thatch Roof Ridge 26 Degrees Workbench 2 Wood  
Thatch Roof O-Corner 26 Degrees Workbench 2 Wood  
Thatch Roof I-Corner 26 Degrees Workbench 2 Wood  
Thatch Roof 45 Degrees Workbench 2 Wood  
Thatch Roof Ridge 45 Degrees Workbench 2 Wood  
Thatch Roof O-Corner 45 Degrees Workbench 2 Wood  
Thatch Roof I-Corner 45 Degrees Workbench 2 Wood  
Wood Pole 1m Workbench 1 Wood  
Wood Pole 2m Workbench 2 Wood  
Wood Beam 1m Workbench 1 Wood  
Wood Beam 2m Workbench 2 Wood  
Wood Beam 26 Degrees Workbench 2 Wood  
Wood Beam 45 Degrees Workbench 2 Wood  
Wood Door Workbench 4 Wood  
Wood Gate Workbench 12 Wood  
Darkwood Gate Forge 16 Wood, 4 Iron, 2 Tar  
Wood Shutter Workbench 4 Wood, 2 Bronze Nails  
Log Pole 2m Workbench 1 Core Wood  
Log Pole 4m Workbench 2 Core Wood  
Log Beam 2m Workbench 1 Core Wood  
Log Beam 4m Workbench 2 Core Wood  
Log Beam 26 Degrees Workbench 2 Core Wood  
Log Beam 45 Degrees Workbench 2 Core Wood  
Shingle Roof 26 Degrees Workbench 2 Wood, 1 Tar  
Shingle Roof Ridge 26 Degrees Workbench 2 Wood, 1 Tar  
Shingle Roof O-Corner 26 Degrees Workbench 2 Wood, 1 Tar  
Shingle Roof I-Corner 26 Degrees Workbench 2 Wood, 1 Tar  
Shingle Roof 45 Degrees Workbench 2 Wood, 1 Tar  
Shingle Roof Ridge 45 Degrees Workbench 2 Wood, 1 Tar  
Shingle Roof O-Corner 45 Degrees Workbench 2 Wood, 1 Tar  
Shingle Roof I-Corner 45 Degrees Workbench 2 Wood, 1 Tar  
Darkwood Pole 2m Workbench 2 Wood, 1 Tar  
Darkwood Pole 4m Workbench 4 Wood, 1 Tar  
Darkwood Beam 2m Workbench 2 Wood, 1 Tar  
Darkwood Beam 26 Degrees Workbench 2 Wood, 1 Tar  
Darkwood Beam 45 Degrees Workbench 2 Wood, 1 Tar  
Darkwood Beam 4m Workbench 4 Wood, 1 Tar  
Carved Darkwood Divider Workbench 2 Fine Wood, 1 Tar  
Darkwood Arch Workbench 2 Wood, 1 Tar  
Stone Wall 1x1 Stonecutter 3 Stone  
Stone Wall 2x1 Stonecutter 4 Stone  
Stone Wall 4x2 Stonecutter 6 Stone  
Stone Pillar Stonecutter 5 Stone  
Stone Arch Stonecutter 4 Stone  
Stone Floor 2x2 Stonecutter 6 Stone  
Stone Stair Stonecutter 8 Stone  
Black Marble 1x1x1 Stonecutter 3 Black Marble  
Black Marble 2x1x1 Stonecutter 4 Black Marble  
Black Marble 2x2x2 Stonecutter 6 Black Marble  
Black Marble Floor Stonecutter 6 Black Marble  
Black Marble Floor, Triangle Stonecutter 4 Black Marble  
Black Marble Stair Stonecutter 8 Black Marble  
Black Marble Quarter Spire Stonecutter 3 Black Marble  
Black Marble Plinth Stonecutter 6 Black Marble  
Black Marble Plinth, Corner Stonecutter 6 Black Marble  
Black Marble Cornice Stonecutter 6 Black Marble  
Black Marble Cornice, Corner Stonecutter 6 Black Marble  
Black Marble Arch Stonecutter 4 Black Marble  
Black Marble Column, Small Stonecutter 6 Black Marble  
Black Marble Column, Wide Stonecutter 3 Black Marble  
Cage Floor 1x1 Forge 1 Iron  
Cage Floor 2x2 Forge 2 Iron  
Cage Wall 1x1 Forge 1 Iron  
Cage Wall 2x2 Forge 2 Iron  
Dvergr Metal Wall Black Forge 8 Copper  
Wood Iron Pole Forge 2 Wood, 1 Iron Enhances structural integrity of attached structures.
Wood Iron Beam Forge 2 Wood, 1 Iron Enhances structural integrity of attached structures.
Wood Iron Beam 26 Degrees Forge 2 Wood, 1 Iron Enhances structural integrity of attached structures.
Wood Iron Beam 45 Degrees Forge 2 Wood, 1 Iron Enhances structural integrity of attached structures.
Iron Gate Forge 4 Iron  
Dvergr Spiral Left Stair Black Forge 7 Yggdrasil Wood, 7 Copper  
Dvergr Spiral Right Stair Black Forge 7 Yggdrasil Wood, 7 Copper  

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Valheim Building Guide - Furniture Pieces


Building Workbench Crafting Recipes Notes
Bed Workbench 8 Wood  
Bench Workbench 6 Fine Wood  
Black Marble Bench Stonecutter 6 Black Marble, 3 Copper  
Black Marble Table Stonecutter 6 Black Marble, 3 Copper  
Black Marble Throne Stonecutter 20 Black Marble, 4 Scale Hide, 2 Deer Hide, 5 Copper  
Black Metal Chest Workbench 10 Wood, 2 Tar, 6 Black Metal 32 slots of storage.
Chair Workbench 4 Fine Wood  
Chest Workbench 10 Wood 10 slots of storage.
Darkwood Chair Workbench 4 Fine Wood, 1 Tar, 5 Iron Nails, 1 Deer Hide  
Dragon Bed Workbench 40 Fine Wood, 7 Deer Hide, 4 Wolf Pelt, 10 Feathers, 15 Iron Nails  
Long Heavy Table Workbench 20 Fine Wood, 2 Tar, 20 Iron Nails  
Personal Chest Workbench 10 Fine Wood, 8 Iron 6 slots of storage. Extremely high durability.
Raven Throne Workbench 20 Fine Wood, 10 Iron Nails  
Reinforced Chest Workbench 10 Fine Wood, 2 Iron 24 slots of storage.
Round Table Workbench 10 Fine Wood, 2 Tar, 20 Iron Nails  
Sconce Forge 2 Wood, 2 Copper, 2 Resin Fueled with Resin.
Sitting Log N/A 2 Core Wood  
Standing Blue-Burning Iron Torch Forge 2 Iron, 2 Greydwarf Eye Fueled with Greydwarf Eyes.
Standing Green-Burning Iron Torch Forge 2 Iron, 2 Guck Fueled with Resin.
Standing Iron Torch Forge 2 Iron, 2 Resin Fueled with Resin.
Standing Wood Torch Workbench 2 Wood, 2 Resin Fueled with Resin.
Stone Throne Stonecutter 20 Stone, 2 Deer Hide, 2 Wolf Pelt  
Stool Workbench 4 Fine Wood  
Table Workbench 6 Fine Wood  
Wisp Torch N/A 1 Yggdrasil Wood, 1 Wisp Dispels Mist.
Standing Brazier Forge 5 Bronze, 2 Coal, 3 Fenris Claw Fueled with Coal.
Hanging Brazier Forge 5 Bronze, 2 Coal, 1 Chain Fueled with Coal.
Item Stand (Wall) Workbench 4 Fine Wood, 1 Bronze Nails Can display most items.
Item Stand (Floor) Workbench 4 Fine Wood, 1 Bronze Nails. Can display most items.
Sign N/A 2 Wood, 1 Coal Can display short messages.
Lox Rug Workbench 4 Lox Pelt  
Wolf Rug Workbench 4 Wolf Pelt  
Deer Rug Workbench 4 Deer Hide  
Red Jute Carpet Workbench 4 Red Jute  
Blue Jute Carpet Workbench 4 Blue Jute  
Hare Rug Workbench 4 Scale Hide  
Black Banner Workbench 6 Leather Scraps, 2 Fine Wood, 4 Coal  
Blue Banner Workbench 6 Leather Scraps, 2 Fine Wood, 4 Blueberries  
White and Red Striped Banner Workbench 6 Leather Scraps, 2 Fine Wood, 4 Raspberries  
Red Banner Workbench 6 Leather Scraps, 2 Fine Wood, 1 Bloodbag  
Green Banner Workbench 6 Leather Scraps, 2 Fine Wood, 1 Guck  
Blue, Red, and White Banner Workbench 6 Leather Scraps, 2 Fine Wood, 2 Blueberries, 2 Raspberries, 1 Cloudberries  
White and Blue Striped Banner Workbench 6 Leather Scraps, 2 Fine Wood, 2 Blueberries, 3 Cloudberries  
Yellow Banner Workbench 6 Leather Scraps, 2 Fine Wood, 4 Dandelion, 2 Coal  
Purple Banner Workbench 6 Leather Scraps, 2 Fine Wood, 2 Blueberries, 3 Raspberries  
Orange Banner Workbench 6 Leather Scraps, 2 Fine Wood, 2 Carrot, 3 Cloudberries  
White Banner Workbench 6 Leather Scraps, 2 Fine Wood, 2 Coal, 4 Cloudberries  
Red Jute Curtain Workbench 4 Red Jute, 1 Fine Wood  
Blue Jute Drapes Workbench 4 Blue Jute, 1 Fine Wood  
Blue Jute Curtains Workbench 4 Blue Jute, 1 Fine Wood  
Yuleklapp (White, Small) Workbench 2 Fine Wood, 1 Bone Fragments Can only be Built during the Yule season in Winter.
Yuleklapp (Green, Medium) Workbench 3 Fine Wood, 1 Dandelion Can only be Built during the Yule season in Winter.
Yuleklapp (Red, Large) Workbench 4 Fine Wood, 1 Raspberries Can only be Built during the Yule season in Winter.
Yule Tree Workbench 10 Wood, 1 Fir Cone Can only be Built during the Yule season in Winter.
Maypole Workbench 10 Wood, 4 Dandelion, 4 Thistle Can only be Built during the Midsummer season in Summer.
Jack-o-Turnip Workbench 4 Turnip, 2 Resin Can only be Built during the Halloween season. Must be fueled with Resin.
Hot Tub Workbench 20 Wood, 6 Tar, 10 Iron, 8 Stone Fueled with Wood.
Armor Stand Workbench 8 Fine Wood, 4 Iron Nails, 2 Leather Scraps Can display most Armor pieces.
Dvergr Wall Lantern Black Forge 2 Copper, 1 Dvergr Lantern, 1 Chain Does not need fuel.
Dvergr Lantern Pole Black Forge 3 Copper, 1 Dvergr Lantern, 1 Chain Does not need fuel.

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That's the end of our Valheim Building Guide. If you found it helpful, why not check out our other guides below?

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One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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