While TechRaptor has ways that readers can support the site, we primarily earn our revenue from advertising placed on our site. There are a number of ways you can purchase ad space on the site, but bear in mind there are some things we do not allow on the site. We offer Banner Ads, but also Product Promotion across the site. Details below:
Promote Your Game on TechRaptor
In 2023, we've added a new advertising type, which will allow you to promote a single product across the entire site, on all articles. This format cannot be adblocked, as it's custom built within our CMS.
To work with us to setup a slot for your game or product, get additional details on these placements, as well as our audience demographics, please reach out to advertise[at]techraptor[dot]net
Note: Sales of this slot are kept separate from the editorial side of the business. This is handled outside of the editorial team that manages news, reviews, features, etc.
What you get:
- 50-75 Words
- 1 Image (600x300px)
- 1 CTA (linked) with ability to share a release date too
- Backend Access to view the # of impressions your slots have received (must be in view 30% to count as a view)
- Pricing: Per 1,000 Impressions of the slot (Minimum 100,000)
- Slot 1: After Paragraph 5 (all articles)
- Slot 2: After Article (all articles)
Product Types
- Products we will promote: Video Games, Board Games, Gaming Accessories, Tech Accessories, some software(s)
- Software Note: We will vet any software before we promote it, to ensure our readers are kept safe.
- Products we will not promote: Health and Wellness, Gamer Food/Drinks, Non-Gaming Products, Casino or Gambling Products
Examples of this slot (Mobile/Desktop):
Banner Ads on TechRaptor
We offer a few different places to put ads on the site, namely: Video Ads, Sidebar Ads (Desktop), and ads in content across multiple sizes. If you're interested in purchasing ad space on TechRaptor, please go here.
Sizes available:
- 300 x 250 pixels
- 300 x 600 pixels
- 320 x 50 pixels
- 728 x 90 pixels
Sponsored Videos / TikTok / Podcast
TechRaptor is willing to produce custom video content catered to your brand on YouTube and TikTok, as well as offer slots on our Podcast for shoutouts. The pricing is dependant on the length and requirements, please reach out to social[at]techraptor.net to discuss further!