50 Years of D&D Adventures Panel Highlights New Adventures And Reveals Details On 2024

At PAX Unplugged key members of the Dungeons & Dragons team got together to talk about the upcoming 50th anniversary and even show off some never heard before news.

Published: December 1, 2023 3:44 PM /


The annoucnement of a Vecna book for D&D 5e

Edit: After the publication of the article Wizards of the Coast reached out to inform us that the release dates published via the Dungeons & Dragons Twitter account were not correct. As such the below story has been updated to clarify that each of the new books - Quests From The Infinite Staircase, Vecna: Eve of Ruin, The Making of Dungeons & Dragons, and the Dungeons & Dragons 2024 Core Rulebook - will be releasing in 2024 with specific release dates to be announced at a later time.

To kick off PAX Unplugged the 50 Years of D&D Panel showed four key members of the Dungeons & Dragons team getting together to talk about the state of the game, what is in store for the anniversary, and revealed some never before. Amanda Hamon and James Wyatt, Senior Designers, were joined by Chris Perkins and Jeremy Crawford, the Game Design Architects for Dungeons & Dragons.

Introducing the panel Hamon explained that some time would be spent highlighting important adventures from the past 50 years of Dungeons & Dragons before they would talk about some adventures that will be released in 2024 to coincide with the 50th anniversary.

The panel began with each member introducing themselves and where they were first introduced to Dungeons & Dragons. These anecdotes range from the standard picking up the game to play with friends after watching high fantasy films, whereas Jeremy Crawford first saw a 1st Edition Monster Manual next to adult magazines.

The last 50 years of D&D Adventures

The first half of the panel was a trip through memory lane. The panel highlights began with Short Adventures such as those found in the Dungeon Magazine. It was compared to the recently released Journeys Through The Radiant Citadel. Both allow for players and DMs to explore different settings, be able to pick up adventures on the fly, and not need the same level of commitment that comes with a campaign that's months, or even years long.

Wyatt explaining why Journeys From The Radiant Citadel is a good short D&D Adventure

Moving on from Short Adventures to Adventure Campaigns Tyranny of Dragons, 5th Edition's first campaign was mentioned as well as City of the Spider Queen, Wyatt's first published adventure. These adventures tie in with novels, magazines, and now even TV Shows and Movies highlighting these worlds.

Dungeon Crawls like 1st Edition's Tomb of Horrors were also discussed. Designed with conventional play in mind this adventure isn't meant for you to be too attached to your characters. Hamon added that there were even tournaments built around playing the Tomb of Horrors. Perkins shared his shame playing this adventure where, as a druid, he would summon creatures and send them into the traps.

Other Story-Based adventures that were highlighted include Ravenloft and Shadows of the Last War. Each of these doesn't just highlight an important story but also teaches players so much about the world offering tools for DMs to change things up.

The weirdness being highlighted in D&D Adventures

The final category that the panel wanted to highlight was Expedition to the Barriers Peak. This adventure lets the party ride around in a spaceship while fighting all of the weirdest enemies and even find firearms. This challenged the perception of D&D always being High Fantasy. This weirdness continues until this year with the release of Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk.

From there the discussion swapped to Dungeons & Dragons in 2024

Dungeons & Dragons In 2024

Descent Into The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth was the first title to be announced. Crawford explained that in 2024 they would be releasing a series of short adventures that they call Events. This is a distilled version of the classic Lost Caverns for Tsojcanth that you can run in a single session of play. There is also a tournament scoring system so you can see how you compared to other groups.

Artwork for the Descent Into The Lost Caverns Of Tsojcanth

Vecna: Eve of Ruin is a book featuring all kinds of iconic D&D characters that appear in the journey's path. This adventure is meant to be a thrilling multiverse-spanning story but specifically a 50th anniversary special. Not only will you revisit places that have already appeared in 5th edition, but also ones that haven't appeared in D&D for many years.

Quests From The Infinite Staircase is a new anthology series. It will be similar to Tales from the Yawning Portal. Not too many details were announced about this other than they weren't wanting to spoil who it was on the cover, but that it would be a collection of historic adventures remade for 5th Edition.

While not an adventure a historical recounting of The Making of Dungeons & Dragons is an important release to highlight the past 50 years of Dungeons & Dragons history. This book will collect together the history of Dungeons & Dragons from 1970-1976. This has been created by John Peterson and includes correspondence with the original creators and a replica of the original manual. This book will be 500 pages long.


Dungeons & Dragons 2024 Core Rulebooks Release Date Announced

The Dungeons & Dragons 2024 Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master Guide, and Monster Manual will release in 2024.

The Player's Handbook will be the largest in terms of pages as well as 48 sub-classes (8 for each classes), new spells, and new equipment. For the first time, some of the pages were shown off including the Fighter artwork. Each class will feature art for every subclass.

The champion class artwork from the 2024 D&D Refresh

Every release of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition refresh in 2024 will be forward and backwards compatible across all built characters and adventures. Your friends can continue playing their old characters even if you want to move to a 2024 version. Many of the new options players have already seen through Unearthed Arcana.

The background section for the Players Handbook was also shown off. There was a decision to depict these all artistically so that players building their character can easily imagine where their characters came from to help inform their decisions.


Backgrounds in the 2024 refresh will be what determines what your starting stats are, as well as what starting abilities you'll have like feats, skill and tool proficiencies, as well as equipment. Every weapon is also in the PHB to give people the idea of opening a "fantasy catalog".

The background section of PHB D^D 2024

There are two more core books coming in 2024, the Dungeons Master Guide as well as the Monster Manual.

Crawford explained that at PAX and other conventions, they'll talk about it more but wanted to briefly talk about the DMG. People have struggled with the 2014 DMG so they're taking strides to make the refresh much more usable and accessible. The book has been reorganized and also includes a complete campaign setting and a few adventures.

Wyatt explained the chance to reorganize the DMG [...] was a big part of the redesign but they also wanted to make sure this was a document that people would return to. The DMG will also include the magical items from the Dungeons & Dragons cartoon.

An image of the party from the D&D Cartoon

There will be over 500 monsters in the Monster Manual including many more high-CR creatures. This was something that they saw a need for. The Blob of Annihilation, a CR 20 Ooze, is one of the new monsters that was mentioned. Perkins advised "you DO NOT want to be covered by this."

In the process of building new threats like the Arch Hag there is new art for the monsters, new NPCs, but also a revisit to every monster to tune them up for the 2024 refresh. These monsters will work in the way you expect, while also offering alternative gameplay mechanics. High CR monsters have also been refined to be more applicable for the CR they're listed at, this is similar to the update that monsters received in Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse.

Ending the panel Perkins teased that there are more videos, artwork, features, and discussions that are going to be shared in 2024 and extend into 2025.

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| Senior Content Manager

Andrew has written Video Game and Entertainment news, reviews, and guides for 10+ years. As Senior Content Manager, he assists in creating and editing… More about Andrew

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