Games Workshop Reveals Golden Demon 2024 Details

Games Workshop has released extensive details about the upcoming Golden Demon competition, the largest tabletop miniatures painting competition in the world.

Published: January 26, 2024 4:27 PM /


Golden Demon 2024 Art

Games Workshop has released new details on Golden Demon 2024. In the tabletop space, this is the largest miniature painting competition in the world. This year will see the first leg of this competition held at major tabletop conventions around the globe.

Golden Demon 2024 Detailed

In an official Warhammer-Community post, Games Workshop revealed where and how people can participate in this year's Golden Demon competition.

The category list for the Golden Demon 2024 miniatures painting competition
Get those paints ready folks.

The first round of this massive competition will be held in the United States at this year's AdeptiCon in March. As for the European round, Golden Demon 2024 will be held at one of Germany's largest gaming festivals, Essen Spiel. That convention begins on October 3.

In addition, new categories have been added to Golden Demon 2024. Unit categories for Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Age of Sigmar now include their smaller spin-offs, Kill Team, and Warcry respectively. Also, the recently revived Warhammer: The Old World will have a category.

Furthermore, Vehicles and Large Models have been grouped to make room for Necromunda, Blood Bowl, and epic-scale miniatures from Legions Imperialis, Adeptus Titanicus, and Aeronautica Imperialis.

Otherwise, the categories for Golden Demon 2024 remain the same as prior years. There are still categories for single miniatures, an entire unit, diorama & duel, as well as the beginner-friendly Youngbloods category for participants under the age of 16.

All entries into Golden Demon 2024 must adhere to the competition's terms and conditions. Entries must relate to one of GW's franchises. The miniatures can only have components made by GW; no third-party products or components. Finally, all entries must be painted entirely by the contestant. No joint submissions.

These terms and conditions, as well as details on categories and entry forms, can be found on the Games Workshop's website. For those in the US, you have two months. For those in Europe, you have about eight.

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