Palworld Best Early Automated Ore Farm Guide

Last Updated: February 8, 2024 9:35 PM /


A Palworld base showing easy Ore Farming

Starting your Palworld adventure you'll be getting the basics down; catching some Pals, gathering resources, and upgrading our base. Once you're out of the wood and stone age it becomes very clear just how important Ore is.

Luckily there's a way to set up an easy automated ore farm early in Palworld to make sure you've got all that you need.

The way the Automated Ore Farm works is by creating a second base near an area rich with Ore deposits and setting up a crew of Pals whose purpose is to mine and refine it specifically.

Ingot shown in game for Palworld
This here is what we're after!

Palworld Automated Ore Farm Pre-Requisites

Be able to build two bases

The main pre-requisite of this guide is that you'll need to have upgraded your base enough to be able to build two bases. While you could technically do this with a single base chances are you've already got a while lot going on there that you don't want to destroy and rebuild.

You get the ability to build a second base at Base Level 10

Bring enough resources to get set up

Below are the resources that should be in your inventory to get this base set up to it's minimal level:

  • Pal Box - 1x Paldium Fragment, 8x Wood, 3x Stone
  • Primitive Furnace - 20x Wood, 50x Stone, 3x Flame Organ
  • Wooden Chest - 15x Wood, 5x Stone
  • Straw Pal Bed x 3 - 10x Wood, 5x Fiber
  • Feed Box (and food for it) - 20x Wood

In total this will mean you need:

  • 1x Paldium Fragment
  • 93x Wood
  • 58x Stone
  • 3x Flame Organ
  • 15x Fiber

How to create your Palworld Automated Ore Farm

Step 1: Find the perfect location

We want to set up our second Palbox just to the left of the Church near the Rayne Syndicate Tower Entrance. This is one of the best early Palworld Ore Locations.

The location of the Ore Farm location in Palworld
Chances are you've walked by here without realizing how important it is

Heading over the cliff and under the overhang you'll find the entrance to a Secret Mine where a Black Market Merchant buys and sells Pals but more importantly, you'll find three Ore Deposits situated closely together.

Create your Pal Box for 1x Paldium Fragments, 8x Wood, and 3x Stone on the hillside to the left of the entrance to the Secret Mineshaft so that the base circle includes all three Ore Deposits.


Step 2: Create supporting structures

To collect and refine the Ore, we will need to build a Wooden Chest and a Primitive Furnace. I recommend that these are all placed within a short distance of the Pal Box so that you can pick up items from the Chest/Furnace and pivot on the spot to Fast Travel from the Pal Box.

For the work ethic of your Pals, you'll need to create three Straw Pal Beds and a Feed Box. These can be placed anywhere.

Tombat locations in Palworld
Here is the area to find Tombat, the most important piece in this puzzle

Step 3: Catch the required Pals

For this process, you'll need a Pal with Mining Lv. 2 (this is required for mining Ore), Transporting, and Kindling. 

Three Early Pals you can obtain are:

  • Tombat (Mining Lv. 2) - This can be found at night North-West of the starting area
  • Killamari (Transport Lv. 2) - Similarly this can be found at night North-West of the starting area. You could use any Transport Pal but this is another early Lv. 2
  • Foxparks (or any Kindling Pal as those are more common) - To the North-West of the starting area in the day.

Once you've obtained the three above summon them to your base and they should start working


How does the Palworld Ingot Farm Work?

With the above setup the Tombat should continue to mine from the multiple resources, those mined resources will be picked up by the Killamari and taken to the Wooden Chest next to the Pal Box.

Tombat's stats showing that it has Mining Lv. 2 for an Ore Farm in Palworld
Make sure to get one of these early to start on the Ore Farm asap

There is some manual labor that will be required from you as you need to put the Ore into the Primative Furnace to turn it into Ingots. Once in the Primative Furnace Foxparks will smelt it.

Once you've collected as many Ingots as possible, even if you're over your weight limit, you can pivot on the spot and activate the fast travel to return to your primary base. Be sure you've got a chest at the other side to be ready to put the Ingots into.


Does Ore respawn in Palworld?

Yes, Ore will respawn at the same location after a certain amount of time. Being out of Ore for a certain amount of time will likely be the bottleneck in this Ore Farm process.

One of the upgrade items to make the Ore Farm more efficient in Palworld
There's always room for improvement, but it does come at a price

How to upgrade the process?

There are several ways you can begin to upgrade this process as you progress through Palworld. You can do any of the below in any order:

  • Add more Pals
    This guide was designed for the basic process but with multiple Mining and Transporting Pals you can obtain these resources faster
  • Add better Pals
    Adding a Pal who has a higher Mining skill will mean that more Ore is obtained from the Ore Deposit allowing you to increase your yield. A Pal with better Kindling will also mean that the Ore is turned into Ingots faster
  • Make life better for your Pals
    You can add better food or a Hot Spring to improve the mood of your Pals. This will mean they're working for more of the time
  • Create a Flame Cauldron or Pickaxe and Helmet
    As your level increases you'll get access to research the Flame Cauldron (Lv. 20) which speeds up fire-making speed and the Pickaxe and Helmet (Lv. 30) that speed up mining speed. While they're costly to create these will help make the process faster.


Other Palworld Ore Locations

If you're looking to expand your Ore production even further if you travel South from the originally marked location to find the best ore location with eight different Ore Deposits. Here you can supercharge your Ore obtaining for the late-game so that you never run out.

The best Ingot Farm location in Palworld with a map showing it's location

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Andrew Stretch Headshot
| Senior Content Manager

Andrew has written Video Game and Entertainment news, reviews, and guides for 10+ years. As Senior Content Manager, he assists in creating and editing… More about Andrew

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Release Date
January 19, 2024 (Calendar)
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